Monday, March 3, 2008

Lifting Up

shout it out now!

That i'm not alone.
There are more,
In the same boat.

Ironic enough,
That i'm happy to know,
There's more of me, more of me, more of me!

What is this place,
So full of prestige.
What are these lands,
I feel I can reach.

And in this world,
lying between my eyes.
Underneath the world, my fingertips lie!

Oh, how I can see,
And feel all this reel
What does it mean,
To anyone, anyone now?!

Just shout it out,
Get it out,
Get it out loud!

Just get it off,
Get it fast,
Get it up now!

Tell the world,
Tell yourself
Tell your own past.

Get it straight,
Get it set,
And go have a blast!

Try to remember,
What you forget.
Try to let go,
Of what you can't!

Why does it seem,
So damn easy?
Why am I still,
here from the sea?!