Tuesday, October 21, 2008

first day

today was my first day!

And time just flies by!

I cannot believe how exhausted I was when I got home. I came home, ate dinner, went back to my room, and fell asleep. Of course, setting my alarm clock first!!

Good thing I did though!

This is great! I'm looking forward to it!

At that same time as I want to say: "i can't wait til it's my turn!", I feel nervous about it, and am not so sure that I want to say it!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Orks mean Business

These big bad boyz mean business! They're huge, ugly (actually, I think they're kinda cute), and carry so much stuff!

I think they're going to be fun!

My colleagues tell me that I shouldn't be picking up a hobby at this time of my life. Ha!

Big Mek - isn't it so cute?!?! It's so small - teeny tiny (to me), and the stuff it carries is soo big!!

Little robot! So cute! The're so 'old-age'. The things they use are not 'not' high-tech!!! I love it!
These guys are called 'war bosses'. They're bigger, and badder.

see, told ya they were cute!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A New Hobby?

This is what I didn't tell you about:

During my trip, I went to a store called: Games Workshop.

First time I played a Warhammer game - I played the fantasy one. And, the first time I painted a little model! they're so small and teeny tiny! It was a lot of fun. Time passes by way too fast when you're concentrated on painting.

And, last night, was the first time I got my very own starter kit. Chris is so sweet. he surprised me.. triple time. it's actually quadruple time. 1) He showed up where I was 2) He got me a model 3) he got me a kit to paint the model 4) he got me a book about the space marines so I could find/learn more about them!

Today was also the first time I visited the Games Workshop in Toronto.
I got 2 models (that came with a magazine). White I was at the store, I picked up this wolf-looking creature. (I learned that it was part of the Vampire package) and, guess what? I got to keep it! ^^

I just opened my starter kit. I want to paint, but I want Chris to paint with me.

So, i'm going to wait until we get a few more brushes :P

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Enemy at the Gates and Truman Show

So yes, I have been watching movies with Chris.

But, these movies I watched about 2 weeks ago. didn't get around to writing about them!

Both of them were terrific!!!!

Enemy at the gates is about war between Russia and Germany. It's a great movie about power, friendship, loyalty, and skill.

The Truman show. It exactly as it's pronounced. Not to worry if you don't know what I'm talking about. Once you see the movie, you'll get the pun. :P Great acting and very.. interesting yet disturbing concept. really neat idea.

Monday, October 6, 2008

time flies

We're already going into the first week of October. time flies.

will talk later about trip.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yoga and Meditation

I'm new to this. And, apparently, not very good at keeping up the practice.

I should set aside a time, and schedule it in, says my instructor - so when the time comes, there is no chance for a conversation of "i can't do this because...."

I guess I'll go do that.