Monday, November 24, 2008

a sense of .... homesickness?

I miss my family.

it's been a while since I've had this feeling, but I miss their presence.

I don't miss a lot of things, but just in this moment when my guard is down, when I'm leeting my emotions get to me (and i know I am), I miss them really bad. I want to hug my tigger, and my pooh bear. and snuggle them until I fall asleep.

that sounds like a good plan.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

1/2 way there..

I haven't been blogging much, and I think that's a manifestation of my err.. 'regular' habits. Which is, I don't really have one.

Anywho, it's the half-way mark. I'm half-way there.

And, there's no way that I can do this next time round. Lots of 'cutting' to do. It's sad, but gotta do what i gotta do.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

middle of the middle

it's good to be weird.

to be a bit wacked sometimes. to show that you're strange. And, that you're you.

Not someone trying ot be someone else, but to be.

just be.

i feel so happy that my mentor, can just be. and just live.

it's great. i cannot put my finger on what it is, what factor, what essence, but i cannot deny that my mentor and how he carries himself has to do with it.