Saturday, December 27, 2008

Interview with the vampire

this is a book that i started reading earlier this year. In september. I borrowed the book for 2 weeks. Then renewed it for another 2 weeks. It turned out that over the loan period, I wasn't able to finish the book. I was perhaps about 1/2 way through the book at most.

Tonight, i watched Interview with the Vampire. Watching it was very interesting after having read a part of it. I need to admit that seeing a motion picture unfold in front of your eyes is much faster and more enticing than reading 400pages of words. None the less, i do not underestimate the value of a good read. I much prefer to read and enjoy the book prior to watching the movie.

I liked being able to pick out the things they included in the movie, and the things they decided to leave out. And, the think of the differences in the way they represented the vampires, the people. They left out the entire section of Louis' neighbour, when she tells her and then leaves the city/town.

Watching the rest of the 'book' in the form of a movie was a great filler - to help me finally bring an ending to the story.

Interesting. Very.

To reccommend

I finished the Rape of Nanking on my plane ride back to Toronto.

The book was horrifying, heart-breaking, grief-striking... yet so powerful. brings to light the endurance of suffering that has been silent for more than half a century.

I can't believe that I didn't read this earlier, yet I am happy that I've read it and am a littlemore knowledgeable about my own people.

I recommend this book to you if you are interested in history, especially silenced history. I recommend this book to you if you are of japanese decent, to learn of what your government did, and what they did not do. I recommend this book to you if you are of chinese decent - it brings a very different perspective (being a north american raised chinese, it certainly brought a different view). and finally, even if none of the above applies to you, this book is a great read.
I'm not a big fan of history, but this book carries with it so much more than mere history. I really like how Chang writes. But, do be prepared, the contents are gripping and horrifying.

Thank you for reccommending this book for me to read.

Back from "VEGAS BABY!"

Spent the last 5 days with family in the "fabulous" Las Begas.

The STRIP is so pretty, especially in the night-time. I couldn't stop thinking of chris and how he might love to take shots of the city. Some of the architechture. but, then again, i think he's more of a scenery guy. And in the case the Grand Canyon wuld probably be better.

And, the Grand Canyon we went to also. And, wow.. when we got there, it so so darn snowy. he fog was so thick, we couldn't see a damn thing.

We went to the South Rim of the Canyon, where it's supposed to be more scenic. A good 4.5 hour drive in the thicket of the snow, and with people driving at turtle speed. It was endurable for me. I slept most of the way, and by most, i mean about 95% of the ride. What else was there for me to do?! I opened my eyes to eat and pee. no poops in Mickey D's washroom.

It was good, i watched a few shows. LE REVE is a must see!! It's so damn good! I didn't really ge the story, but that's okay. I the stunts and acobatics, the use of lighting and the stage made up for it all. I watched the Blue Man Group 2 nights before Le Reve, and i'd have to say, Le Reve - hands down. It is a different type of show, but the buck for the bang was definitely le reve.
you get to see 3 shows in one for le reve. You get comedy, acrobatics and aquatic shows ll in one. There's no much theatre, but there wasn't much of that in the blue man show either.

The blue man you get ots of musical stuff - their musical stunts were really really good. and they were pretty darn funny. they were entertaining, but i can't help but say this for the thousandth time, Le Reve smoked SMOKED the Blue Men, in my little teeney beeety point of view.

So many roulette, 3 car poker, poker, black jack, tables and slot machines i walked by. but, not a single penny was spent. And, wished I played roulette! For me, placing a bet is based on luck. and my gut. I don't understand probability in the sense of a ball and a spinning wheel with numbers on it. and, i don't understand how people can say that it's more likely to stop on a red, because that's the pattern. Well, that pttern was there? it was: bbbb rr bb r b r b ...
and a guy placed the bet on a black, it was black. i placed the next bet (in my mind) on a red. and it was a red.

It just doens't make sense to me.. how people can say that a certain number is more of less likely to be the number that the white ball lands on... it's a matter of probability, the force that the ball is whipped into the wheel, the timing, speed and location that the ball hits the wheel at.. and well, whenever it decides to slow down and drop into a slot. to my simple mind, it's 1 in 38 chance for a single number, but apparently, i'm incorrect.

but, i think it's futile to try to explain it to me now.

i'm getting a bit sleepy - that might explain the non-coherence and scatteredness of this post. perhaps i'll continue this at a later time?

anyways, what i do want to end with is: I WANT TO GO BACK TO VEGAS!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Rape of NANKING

I'm beginning to read this book.
I've just read the Introduction, and I don't know what to feel.

It's painful.

And, i recall reading parts of Iris Chang (the author's) suicide notes from - how she says that she thinks the CIA are following her. Considering how political this event is - Japan's denial of the event...

And, if we think for a minute - why has this massacre been so silent? Why do i not even know of this massacre? I believe that many westerners don't know about this massacre. I wonder if the Chinese curriculum teach this. More importantly, and sadly (and this is the political part), the Japanese curriculum does not include it.

They, unlike the germans, do not apologize for their actions (ruthless and brutal - much worse than gas chambers). They do not even ACKNOWLEDGE it. They DENY it.

And, this angers me.

It make me ask - why do we only learn about the Holocaust? Why do we not learn about the 20-40 million Russians that died, or the 13-20million Chinese that die during the WW2? Why do we only look at the jewish people that died?

Is it because it's European? And, being in a "European colony" that is what we learn about?
Unfortunately, yet seemingly so true, it seems that everything is so political.

I am grateful for Iris Chang, for her realization, her courage and her passion to bring the victims of the Rape of Nanking to shine a bit of light. If only any of these killings, and their sheer brutality, their humiliation and horrific-ness were brought to light as much as the holocaust, it would help the victims, who many of which are here no more, and bring their silenced suffering out of the closet. But even then, will the political world acknowledge it? Will the Japanese be willing to admit their doings to trying to erase their terrifying and horrible acts? Will they be willing to be shamed and apologize?

Perhaps it will take the falling of the sky for that to happen.

Damn, it's sad that Iris is gone.
I wish she were here to continue to advocacy of the silenced Chinese.
And, it makes it so damn emotional that these are my people. This is a part of my history.

An untold history, the forgotten and silenced history.

I hope that it will not be for me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

self-inflicted stress

And, this is life.

It's the time for applications - and a previous graduate from the B.Ed program is right. There are 'spurts' of things that happen. November was practicum, and decemeber was handing in assignments and conferences. Now, January is job application/employment race.

And, I think I'm letting it get to my head. It's getting to me. And, I'm feeling the stress/heat of it.

I also found out that i'm quite good at self-bashing, i need to improve that.

Friday, December 12, 2008

time for some dog talk

chris sent me a link to GIANT DOGS:

and... these dogs are huge! ^^

I like the Hungarian Kuvasz dog. Independent, grand, but perhaps not really the kind of dog for me.

It sparked my interest in going to another site to do a little quiz about the dog that might best suit my criteria. I added: i am willing to groom once a month.

And, the Berger de Picard was one of them.

We had a slight discussion about the health issues that dogs were prone too - and th Picard seems to be prone to quite a few (the effects of inbreeding....)

There dogs don't seems to have that many health issues:

Chinese Chongqing Dog
Siberian Husky
Alaskan Malamute

Oh, the alaskan malamute, so beautiful!
but, i do think that the chinese dog, it's temperament and grooming needs (or, lack of!!), fit my lifestyle a little more.

They're so stubbbbbby. They're not too big. I'd like a bigger dog, but unless i breed an animal that has all those traits, i ain't gonna find one that has all the things that i want!
the chiense dog... is doable. i just don't know how i'll be able to find one in Canada....

Thursday, December 4, 2008


i am such an idiot!!!! *frustrated gurgling noises*

how can i be so impulsive, and act on such an emotional basis? And, in the end, what ends up happening? I end up apologizing and taking the blame for something that is probably not even my fault. And, if someone wants to attribute it to me.. that's shouldn't be my 'issue' that i should deal with personally.

Although, here's the thing - it's difficult to separate the personal from the professional. Which is which? is it personal, or is is professional. Do i leave it alone or what?

Why the heck did i apologize?
I did it becaus i felt sorry - and i felt pressurized into thinking that i did something wrong. I felt an obligation to be apologetic. Lady Lo, something's wrong here.

someone needs a head check.


it is during these times that i find i learn the most.
it is during these moments that thoughts of meaning seep through the millions of layers of plywood that's wedged between my ears.

And, even then, i do not completely understand or grasp the concept that I've "contemplated".