Thursday, April 30, 2009


This has been the first week of my internship, and it's been going great!!!

I've been working with students on the robotics project, where students build robots from lego parts and program the robots to move down a path and go to different stations. The first station is the food and water station, where students need to program their bot to go to the station and then head back to the safe base. The food and water station is the closest station away from the 'safety' zone that they are in. Then, they try to get their bots to the radio station where it's a bit further away, and they program the bot to talk, like its speaking on the radio. And finally, they try to get their bot to reach the rescue station, where everyone upon reaching, everyone is safe!!!

Really neat and cool project!! I can't believe that I got a chance to work on it, it's such a privilege!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

re: Battling

After reading a friend's post...

do i agree.

We are our own greatest opponent. And, I daresay, greatest enemy.

Let there be no self-defeat.