Monday, May 17, 2010


this is going to sound a bit too emo for my regular self....

but perhaps i am not my normal self at the moment.

where the hell are you when i need you?


Monday, May 3, 2010

healthy living..

There's so much to healthy living.

I have a goal... and that is before I leave to country to go home, I will be satisfied with the way that I look in my swimsuit!

I got myself some dumbbells (they're light, 2kg each). Hopefully that will help tone my arms a bit. I don't exactly want to be pumping iron.. don't want manly arms, just toned.

And, in addition to that... is the thing that I really don't like the most: watching what I eat. and keeping track that I burn more than I eat. Counting... is such a hassle.

And, planning. There is so much planning involved in being healthy! E.g. what are you going to eat in the morning, what are you going to eat for a snack, for lunch... and dinner (well, I guess that's a little easier cos I'm at home - but what about when I'm at school?) Where do I get all that food from?!

Aside from the hassle of getting the right foods (really not something that one can find at liberty within school grounds), I've really enjoyed the exercising part! Over the last couple of days at least. I did get quite a bit of marking (i.e. work) done but I also did weights everyday and I ran or swam!

It's been god. It feels good to swim - I swam 400m on Saturday (a first time swimming that much in one session). I can't wait to get back to the pool and swim again! Maybe on Wed... we'll see. And running... I'm so glad that I have the school track to run on. Running on the pavement is really hard on my toes. That, or my socks aren't thick enough. One of my left toes keep blistering, and I'm only doing about 2k. Speaking of which, I didn't even get to 2k today... i went ot for a run at 1:30pm. Don't think I'll be doing that again.. it was shady when I left the house, by the time I got to the park connector, the sun was blazing... it was so hot. Usually, there's a lot of shade along the park connector, but not the angle that the sun is at one-thirty in the afternoon.

We'll see how long I can keep this up... I'll keep you posted about the progress. We'll see if we end up looking any different. One month - maybe, maybe not.