Sunday, October 28, 2007


i don't need caffeine to make me jittery,
all i need is a jolt of a 'future prospect' and that will get my adrenaline and cortisol levels sky-rocketing.

much has happened over the short span of 8 months. - short, depending on whatever perspective you happen to look at the length of 8 months of course.- There have been numerous career options and one heck of a tough time trying to convince myself of a particular one that i would like to pursue. in all honesty, the fact is that over such and such a period of time, i have not managed to convince myself of anything particular. And, when i am persuaded that such and such career may be 'better' off, or that such and such career seems to have more 'security', i am swayed from "the" career that i "convinced" myself to stick with.

ah choices.
ah decisions, decisions.
it seems to be such an impossible task
for such an indecisive decision maker...
stemming from plausible roots that i won't go into depths about
but most conceivable by readers who may understand why decision makers are so undecisive.

1 comment:

Janice said...

missylo! i loooove your new blog. looks so clean and fresh!

hmm.. i dunno how i should comment on your entry in particular, because altho i've landed on a job/career path that i have worked so hard for, the future still holds many uncertainties for me too.

but i see what you mean - the fact that you haven't figured out what you want to do as a career does make you feel bitter at times. but then again.. i thot you've always wanted to be a teacher, and that you're working towards your b.ed?

well so much in mind, so much to say.. wait until i see you on saturday :)