Tuesday, March 31, 2009

decisions, decisions.

what can i say... decisions....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thanks for the good night

Thank you for coming out last night!!!

It was great to see you there to celebrate yet another year of my life.

you guys are so thoughtful.

The cheesecake, was amazing!!!! thank you chris! ^^

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It hasn't dawned on me yet, how life will be, as a lone individual, placed in a country where I have no connections, no friends. In an environment where I have never set foot on before.

I am, I know, nervous of this experience, yet both excited an interested at the same time.

There is so much for me to learn There is so much that I can build upon.
I know that the field of teaching, is not a job that you do perfect in day one. Rather, it is a profession where your skills can be refined over the years, as gold is refined through the fire. Of course, only if the gold is willing to be refined.

How did things happen so fast?

It seemed like only yesterday, and it is likely that within two short months, I will be on my way to the other side of the world.

What will I do to keep in touch with my friends here? What can I do to keep the relationships running? I know that for some, time and space does not move or sway, or lessen the relationship, but without communication, there is no understanging. And, where are we if there is no understanding?

I must confess that it is I who is lacking contributing with time and effort. I know that I have said this bfore, but have also failed to perform any substantial actions to better strengthen and build those relationships. And, if these are people who are so close to me, who live jus down the street, who live just a 15 minute drive away.... how will I fare when I am 4,000 kilometeres, a 14 hour plane flight away? It will take that much more time and effort on my part to make up those contributions.

I know that perhaps I am being more worrisome than things really are. I have freinds who I don't see that often, and we can hang out for the weekend (bow)!!

If things do happen... this will be my first time out and away. As in really being on my own.

Let's keep in touch.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

there is time....

I've found the time to post a blog. More like, decided to use my time to post a blog.

Things have been moving! swell!

They are on the improving!

We did a soil lab today, and I think the students enjoyed that portion of the lab. It was probably the most engaging part, because the students got to go 'investigate' the pH of the soil!

I'm also doing a lab tomorrow. Acid Rain, and planting seeds. I really hope that things work out!
*fingers crossed*

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Is training!

Definitely a way that helps me stay focused and on task. Only, some parts are easier than others. Of course, there's no free lunch. And, i do think that what i put into it, is what i will get out of it.

Let the planning marathon continue!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i need hearts!!!

Anyone know where I can find cow, pig, sheep hearts?

oh, how we try for education.

Monday, March 16, 2009

away from home?

as in, many, many miles away?

think I could do that? Perhaps for a new experience or for the prospects of having a job...

the job hunt does continue, and how far am I willing ot go to have my hands on one?

It is possible that I will have an offer to work overseas.

It's time for me to really consider.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

meeting someone new

So, I've me someone new, someone that I've never come across before in my life.

Someone, that I think carries with them a lot of experiences, humiliation, roughness, being scorned and of course to be who they are, they are tough.

she's really tall. gets clothes from tall girls.

somehow, i feel that i admire her and at the same time, have a whole surge of other feelings... pity? sadness? wanting to reach out and share a bit of my heart?

I'm not too sure.

Today was a really good day. I had a chance to have somewhat of a heart-to-heart talk with my teach. Having faith, and having a purpose. For the little smaller things to count more than the huge grand ending/grand purpose.

And most of all, i thank you.
You helped me get through my roughest days. Adding on that bit of oil that i need to smoothen out the rough patches. You remind me that this is a practice session, and well, in order to practice, of course i need to make mistakes, and i need to learn from them!
I know that i need to look at failure in a positive light. And, of course, if I don't fail, how can i learn? If I don't think that I'm not doing well, how can I actually improve?

And, another thing: for me to take the time to realize what I really enjoy doing, what I really want to do in life. I want to become more than I already am. I want to get off my lazy ass and become that person who is responsible and lives up to my expectations.

Anyways, needt o get back to work. ciao.

Monday, March 9, 2009

a few quotes

Right now, these quotes are so heart warming:

"you need to add oil.
both figurtively and actually
there is no rough patch which some good old WD40 can't smoothen.
tigres are the king of the forests. don't get scared of the little bunnies"

"Tests alone can't evaluate teachers."

(Gerald Bracey, researcher/writer in education matters)

"Correction does much, but encouragement does more."

(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)

"Never fail to know that if you are doing all the talking, you are boring somebody."

(Helen Gurley Brown) [From Sanderson Smith, via Rex Boggs]

"To succeed, you must first improve; to improve, you must first practice; to practice, you must first learn; to learn, you must first fail"

(Wesley Woo) [From Sanderson Smith, via Rex Boggs and Jonathan Lundell]

"Fail again. Fail better."

(Jonathan Lundell)

Most of these quotes just cut straight to the chase, right through to the heart.

Learning encouragement. I want to learn encouragement.

Giving second chances. If I believe in giving second chances, then I must act it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

day one

So, today was my first day....

it was exhausting....

hope for a new day!!