Monday, March 9, 2009

a few quotes

Right now, these quotes are so heart warming:

"you need to add oil.
both figurtively and actually
there is no rough patch which some good old WD40 can't smoothen.
tigres are the king of the forests. don't get scared of the little bunnies"

"Tests alone can't evaluate teachers."

(Gerald Bracey, researcher/writer in education matters)

"Correction does much, but encouragement does more."

(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)

"Never fail to know that if you are doing all the talking, you are boring somebody."

(Helen Gurley Brown) [From Sanderson Smith, via Rex Boggs]

"To succeed, you must first improve; to improve, you must first practice; to practice, you must first learn; to learn, you must first fail"

(Wesley Woo) [From Sanderson Smith, via Rex Boggs and Jonathan Lundell]

"Fail again. Fail better."

(Jonathan Lundell)

Most of these quotes just cut straight to the chase, right through to the heart.

Learning encouragement. I want to learn encouragement.

Giving second chances. If I believe in giving second chances, then I must act it.

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