Saturday, May 23, 2009

Packing and things

I don't know why I'm such a slow packer!!
I find myself just sitting there thinking of what and how I should pack instead of just crakcing down to it, and to get a moving!!!

Got me a few suitcases.. so the things will be getting into the the luggage sacks.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leaving for SG

that i am, that i am!!

I'll be leaving June 7th. It'll be in three weeks form tomorrow. I was talking to Ju yesterday, and it seems so close, but so far away.

There are so many things I want to do before I go, so many things to do, like pack and things. But, there's so little time!

I am starting to appreciate time. To appreciative thinking about what I need to do. Appreciative of planning. I think, that the last week was the first time where every morning, I'd thinking about the things that i needed to do that day, and then every night, i'd think about all the things that i needed to do the next day, and a few days ahead. I'm working on it.

Lots of things to do.

MD school is a thought that is lurking at the back of my mind. i'll explore it more when I'm in SG.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Staying on top of things...

someone is not really on the ball with things.

I need an organizer.

I carry too many things. too many redundant things.

we talked about a few things - getting an organizer that i carry with me everywhere - one of those with a pen attached so I will always have something to write in. And then, contemplating investing in a blackberry. So, i will have everything in one. not a separate pda or a calender and contacts, a seaprate phone, a separate music player. I wonder if i can get the blackberry to do a google calender function: to email me all the events that I have that week.

anywho. maybe i'll talk to hei about it tmr.