Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leaving for SG

that i am, that i am!!

I'll be leaving June 7th. It'll be in three weeks form tomorrow. I was talking to Ju yesterday, and it seems so close, but so far away.

There are so many things I want to do before I go, so many things to do, like pack and things. But, there's so little time!

I am starting to appreciate time. To appreciative thinking about what I need to do. Appreciative of planning. I think, that the last week was the first time where every morning, I'd thinking about the things that i needed to do that day, and then every night, i'd think about all the things that i needed to do the next day, and a few days ahead. I'm working on it.

Lots of things to do.

MD school is a thought that is lurking at the back of my mind. i'll explore it more when I'm in SG.

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