Saturday, August 15, 2009


Just trying out this email to blog feature - I think I'll really boost my posting frequency.

Made a morning trip to the grocers. Now, heading out to mall to pick up a few books a ordered a week ago (really glad that I'm able to pick up the books now - a week earlier than I had anticipated!!)

I need to write about last night. My first time out to an art musuem, and it was a lot of fun!! It was my first experience with an "art museum" and it was interactive.
I loved the "vertical submarine" exhibition. You got to go into this closet (guarded by two black hooded/masked men - they looked like robbers in guard clothing). The closet led into another room. It was great! Standing inside the exhibit, you would see "people coming out of the closet". Literally. It was quite a clever, ingenious and funny way to get people to be a part of the art. Loved it. Another part of the exhibit had people make art. This artist had her background in education, and her work revolves around her interaction with people/children/adults/older adults, etc. She would record conversations and video what people were doing, how they interacted with each other. Their art was her art. It was fantastic. I ended up pastelling an amoeba.

Fun times.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

a little late

It's been two months already?!

It has been two months!

My sincere apologies for not updating you sooner. Life overseas is quite the experience.
The food. Oh, the food. I can talk about food for a long time.
The culture, the students, the work. Things have been going quite smoothly.

The transition from Toronto to Singapore has been a rather smooth one.

Though, i owe much. two months worth of photos, and e-mails. A bit pathetic, I admit. I'll get to it this weekend.

A few weeks ago, I decided to pick up jogging. Looking at my jogging patterns for the last three weeks, it has been rather... sporadic. I ran 3 times/week, then twice a week, and I haven't jogged since Sunday for this week, and Friday is already around the corner.

I want to talk to you about a movie that I've seen lately: GIA.
It is a very good drama. I highly recommend it if you are a Jolie admirer, or are up for a good drama. A warning though, the content is mature and is not suitable for children/young adults.