Thursday, November 29, 2007


So stupid.

after getting another opinion, and another voice...
i'm so glad to hear that I would've done the right thing.

What of mediators?
What of this stupid 'political' mess?
Yes, all this is immaturity, and it put my maturity to a test.
I guess sometimes, i do not stand as strongly as i think
and this case illustrated just that.

a problem between two
should be solved between two.
what of mediators,
what of moderators?
why should there need be one?

being trut to myself and being true to the other
is to show myself directly
express myself explicitly
without the transmission of another
one that may mistransmit
and whatever.

yes, so i did think i would have 'wanted' or 'liked' a mediator.
smirk, a moderator, now i think about it.. what a terrible name.
this is not a debate or a forum of discussion that needs to be 'moderated'
it is an issue between two that only the two need to be aware of.

so, i guess i take this as a litle lesson, remidning me how childish i am sometimes.
reminding me to stand strong and believe in what i believe in, and to go with my own feelings, rather than be pesuaded by others.

you can be of your own.

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