Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who had a big influence on you and how did that affect the direction of your life and career?

tagged by the prolific programmer, i am called upon to write my story of who had a big influence on me. Many of you have had an influence on me. You've been in my life and you've left your print, your mark. Most of you are still in my life and continue to be a source of trust, care, support, and more importantly, a source of love. Yes, i am the love taker, or sucker, i would like to say - in a vacuum cleaner sense though, don't you go thinking else where!

I still feel that i'm still in the early stages of life. i can't look back and say who's influenced me to take different career paths because, heck... i don't even have a career yet! But, i do have a direction, and a goal.

i feel i'm doing a terrible job at telling my story of how a person influenced me and changed my life, but i will think about it.. and make an edition to this post sometime.

i'll tag hei, karen, chris and helen. So, tell me who has a big influenced on you and changed your direction of life?

1 comment:

Janice said...

you did! and you still do!... in many many ways :)

and i graciously thank you for that. :)