Monday, May 5, 2008

Done and Done!

So, i walked out of my examination hall about half an hour ago, and i am DONE!

That's it for my undergraduate career.

4 years of psychology, and an additional year of biology.


A big sigh of relief. but, at the same time, a feeling and sense of lostness.
What do I do with myself for the three summer months?

Of course, you will tell me to go 'have fun' and 'enjoy the summer'.
Well, what exactly CAN I do?

P.S. I do have 'do something that will give you a financial boost' at the back of my mind.


Anonymous said...

you know what? I don't think I've heard you "worry" about not knowing what to do over the summer. All these years you've been occupied by summer school and camps and different stuff. of course, try to find yourself a part time job or whatever.. but don't forget to enjoy your last real summer! next year by the time you're done school you'll prolly have gotten yourself a job and will be busy preparing for it. So make sure you do something that you truly ENJOY.:)

Anonymous said...

Visit San Francisco for a little while!!! :)