Monday, May 5, 2008

Packing my Bags

Well, like a blink of the eye, and it is already the second week of May! The last time I thought about planning things for my trip to Hong Kong was early March!

The main objective for this trip is to vist my grandparents and my relatives. It has been three and a half years sine my last visit. This visit will last for apporximately twenty-one days. I fly, leaving Toronto early May 8th, and will arrive evening of May 29. I will be staying, hopefully at a variety of locations, but I will have to see when I arrive.

During this trip, I hope to purchase my very own MacBook when I'm there. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a good discount, and a nice bundle. But, again, we shall have to see when I get there. I printed out a list of distributors and will be hanging onto that for dear life while I truck the busy streets of Hong Kong.

Though, good thing I won't be alone, my good friend janice will be accompanying me overseas shortly. Perhaps we will be able to take a trip to Macau if things go well.

Yes, I have been trying to use my hyper-linking skills.

I'll try to take lots of pictures! I don't have a flikr account to share my photos. Maybe I should register for one.

However, my Internet access will be rather limited. Actually, I may not have access to the Internet at all! Again, I will have to wait and see.

Now, to tackle my final Final Exam this year.

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