Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It hasn't dawned on me yet, how life will be, as a lone individual, placed in a country where I have no connections, no friends. In an environment where I have never set foot on before.

I am, I know, nervous of this experience, yet both excited an interested at the same time.

There is so much for me to learn There is so much that I can build upon.
I know that the field of teaching, is not a job that you do perfect in day one. Rather, it is a profession where your skills can be refined over the years, as gold is refined through the fire. Of course, only if the gold is willing to be refined.

How did things happen so fast?

It seemed like only yesterday, and it is likely that within two short months, I will be on my way to the other side of the world.

What will I do to keep in touch with my friends here? What can I do to keep the relationships running? I know that for some, time and space does not move or sway, or lessen the relationship, but without communication, there is no understanging. And, where are we if there is no understanding?

I must confess that it is I who is lacking contributing with time and effort. I know that I have said this bfore, but have also failed to perform any substantial actions to better strengthen and build those relationships. And, if these are people who are so close to me, who live jus down the street, who live just a 15 minute drive away.... how will I fare when I am 4,000 kilometeres, a 14 hour plane flight away? It will take that much more time and effort on my part to make up those contributions.

I know that perhaps I am being more worrisome than things really are. I have freinds who I don't see that often, and we can hang out for the weekend (bow)!!

If things do happen... this will be my first time out and away. As in really being on my own.

Let's keep in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your close frds dont need you to update them on what you did, what you ate, or where you went every day. distance and time difference should not be an excuse for friends to drift apart, because tight friendships are in the heart. and, no or less communication doesnt mean the friendship will melt away. becuz at the end of the day, no matter what, your frds will be there for you. with those who are no longer there, you might want to redefine those relationships.

besides, we have gchat, email, facebook, twitter, blogspot etc. :)

im running a bit late so we'll talk more this afternoon! love u xxx