Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are things...

Really as messed up as they seem?

I mean, I'm not talking about that sort of messed up, but the other sort of messed up.

It's been five months now, and have I fulfilled or achieved my goals? Any of them?

truth be told. no. i hope that it's a 'not yet'.


Anonymous said...

What WERE your goals?
What can you do to actively make them happen?

Are you at least progressing towards your goals?

Don't be too hard on yourself, babes... just keep truckin' =)

missylo said...

thank you msau

I would like to think that i am at least progressing, if not slowly toward the goal(s).

I think that the hardest goal right now is to have that vision, to find that dream, that motivation, that constant fuel that drives you to keep running.

Anonymous said...

well, keep searching for your desires, my dear. just because you haven't found them going abroad to Singapore, doesn't mean you won't find them. i'm sure you've experienced and learned a heck of a lot going over there. don't forget to cherish that!