Friday, December 18, 2009

What's going on in Singapore Dec 2009

I started December off by being in Hong Kong. It was really good to be back. My last trip to HK was about a year and a half ago. The purpose of my trip was to visit family and friends, and I'm happy about my trip because those two purposes have been fulfilled. I've come to realize that we are always short on time, but we all only have so much - so, how do we choose to spend it?

I'm going through the loss of a friend, someone who played such a significant role in my life, as a friend, a confidant, a role model, a source of comfort and hope. I've never really experienced this before, and i'm not quite sure how to deal with it. I'm also not sure how to talk about it, but since the underlying purpose of my trip related to this, it felt natural to include it here. The purpose of my trip to HK was to spend time with my grandparents, to be with them while they are still here. Too many a time have I taken for granted and learned not how to cherish. Too many a time I hope there will be no more.

On another note, I have been studying for my MCAT to be written late April next year. Physics has been quite a challenge for me and I've found someone to help me. I am extremely grateful that I happened to find a physics instructor.

Browsing the internet: I've also been reading quite religiously recently and have been downloading add-ons to my Firefox 3.5. A lot of neat things on that site! I'm also looking to get Windows & for my MacBook, but that might wait until the new year.

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