Friday, December 25, 2009

A Merry Christmas

Came home from a very filled Christmas day. I think this is one of the fullest that I've ha, at least from what I can remember.

Lunch Buffet with a good family here in Singapore. They have been so kind, warm and welcoming, long before I even set foot on Singapore soil. I am very grateful and fortunate to have had such lovely hospitality from them. In a land where I know no one, it is very nice to have someone reach out their helping hands to you.

After spending my lunch with the wonderful family, they drove me home and I prepared to set off for my next celebration with the dear friends that I've made in Singapore. Ann Marie invited me to her house for Christmas Dinner. My ignorance did not serve me well. Nor did my bad manners. They were very fine people indeed to embrace the situation despite my ignorance and my bad manners. Big people with big hearts. I am lucky to have these people around me, to support me and be here in Singapore with me. It was a lovely Christmas spent with them indeed. To come to think of it, I think that was one of my first Christmas Dinners where there was turkey, ham and a fully blown meal. Thank you for allowing me to experience that in Singapore.

On my way home, I was greeted by a nice taxi man who wished me a very merry christmas when I stepped into the cab. Very nice way to end the evening.

Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I will head out to the University for my first Chemistry tutorial. I want to learn something and get something from that session, so I will. :)

As 2009 draws to an end, I wonder to myself, what will 2010 bring? One thing that I have learnt, if I want something, I can't still, wait and wish for it to come to me. I need to go out and GET it.

1 comment:

Hei said...

mehly kissmaass