Thursday, March 11, 2010

Days passing by...

The last few weeks have been quite hectic. I come home at seven or eight in the evening, take my supper and continue to work into the night.

It just seems that the days are passing by way too fast. It's almost been a year - it's gone by way too fast...

I want to slow time down. Imagine a hercules trying to slow the spin of the earth, to slow the passing of time, yet not slow the events.

It's already almost been a quarter century, and sometimes I think to myself: what have I accomplish, what have I achieved? I begin many things without mastering.

Anyways, just my thoughts.. Life is really too short for it to just pass by... So much I want to do before I go, before.... And somehow, in someway, I'm not letting myself do as much as I really can..
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