Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Scheduling Get together's

I found a neat site that puts scheduling events with others in an interesting way from the Prolific Programmer. Presdo does this on-line where the invited can add suggestions of days/dates and times that they are available. And, so, instead of having several conversations, everything is laid out.

well, that is, if people are responsive....

i sent one to chris, i'll see how he responds ^^
in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We love only what we undersatnd. We will understand only what we are taught.
- Baba Dioum

I really like this quote - it hits home.
I've seen this quite in many places. One from my high school teacher, and in the teaching sense, it hits home. But, I also came across this quote in my Zoology course, in the conservation of animals. And, that hits home in that sense too.
I think this zoology course has just opened another doorway of insight!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

jeff dunham

is absolutely hilarious.

he's so damn funny with those puppets!!
and, users on youtube are fabulous.
i cannot stop watching him!!

i need to get his DVDs!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

it's one of those days

actually weeks, perhaps.

you know when you feel like, you're just over it.
you don't want anymore of this stuff that you've been doing for the past 8 months, and that your'e just done, that you want a break, that you're just about to cave.

Instead of being motivated, instead of being alert and on your toes, you just want to forget about it all, you just want to throw everything that you have on your plate out the window. you just want to come up for fresh air, and you just want to relax.

well, that's how i'm feeling right now.
I don't want to pick up those books.
i don't want to read anymore about collagen fibers, or how Ran GEF phosphorylates ADP to ATP and how that helps transport receptors in and out of the nucleus.

i just feel like i'm done.

well, i think learning about cancer is pretty neat, but all the other technical stuff that i need ot REMEMBER, and be able to recognize on a 75 question multiple-choice exam that is worth 30% of my final grade? i thin i'd just about had it.

All i want to do right now, is find myself a DVD copy of Grey's Anatomy, curl up in my bed, have a nice big LCD TV screen and watch all the drama that happens to 5 fictional surgical interns at a fictional Seattle Grace Hosptial.

Maybe Grey's Anatomy has caputred my attention. Maybe I do want to study and read about the cytoskeleton and how lymphocytes endocytose bacteria.
oh, someone please scalpel me now!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

feeing the burn

an intense moment, and i'd just liek tot ake the time to jot down my thoughts and feelings - something that i think i do often, but apparently, my writing logs shows that is definately NOT the case.

feeling a bit jammed up.
feeing the pressure
the heat is ON.
it is cram time folks, and
wow, i can't imagine what it will be like next year.
it'll be like this, only... everyday!

holy crikes!

on a side note, a friend sent this video to me, titled 'satan invented evolution' titled (uploaded by VenomFangX, and really, what a great way to waste some time!
actually, i appreciate this video more: "Satan Invented VenonFangX: Disproving the Little Squirt".
definately a MUCH better watch!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Grey's Anatomy

Wow... I'm totally not a TV watcher, but this show is AMAZING.
I love it!
It's funny, and serious all at the same time - and there's SO MUCH DRAMA!

i think i need a little drama (no no, not for myself, just to watch) to lighten up a bit right now.

you should watch it!

damn, now i'm four seasons behind. Please, no one let me get my hands on the second season, i just finished the first season, all in one day -____-''
crikes me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So, i was thinking about some of my students that i teach, and was thinking about all those littel gifts that i had a while ago. Where did they all go? I put them al in a box, and that box got shoved into the garage - our storage center.
so, i went outsdie to go dig for it.. and in the process, the mailman came along and handed me a bunch of letters. Amongst it... were:


I received acceptance letters from OISE, Western and York University for the Bachelor or Education program.

Thank you all your support!!!
*much love

Birthday Surprise

Here is my promised blog of how my birthday went....
but, i'm too excited about another event that has just taken place to type about it now..
i'll get back to this when i'm done gushing about the event that has JUST taken place.