Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Scheduling Get together's

I found a neat site that puts scheduling events with others in an interesting way from the Prolific Programmer. Presdo does this on-line where the invited can add suggestions of days/dates and times that they are available. And, so, instead of having several conversations, everything is laid out.

well, that is, if people are responsive....

i sent one to chris, i'll see how he responds ^^


יעל גורלי said...

Presdo has too narrow capabilities compared to ScheduleOnce (www.scheduleonce.com), which really helps you find the best time for a meeting.

missylo said...

thanks, y~~, i'll check out scheduleonce.com

do you by any chance know anything about macbooks?

Anonymous said...

The link to me blog does not work. The HTML ought to be <a href="http://blog.prolificprogrammer.com"> -- cheers!

missylo said...

Thanks prolificprogrammer, link fixed!