Wednesday, April 16, 2008

feeing the burn

an intense moment, and i'd just liek tot ake the time to jot down my thoughts and feelings - something that i think i do often, but apparently, my writing logs shows that is definately NOT the case.

feeling a bit jammed up.
feeing the pressure
the heat is ON.
it is cram time folks, and
wow, i can't imagine what it will be like next year.
it'll be like this, only... everyday!

holy crikes!

on a side note, a friend sent this video to me, titled 'satan invented evolution' titled (uploaded by VenomFangX, and really, what a great way to waste some time!
actually, i appreciate this video more: "Satan Invented VenonFangX: Disproving the Little Squirt".
definately a MUCH better watch!


MsKarenAu said...

which program are you going to?

missylo said...

I'll be going to OISE!!