Saturday, September 27, 2008

Safe School's Conference

Home from the Safe School's Conference.

It was definitely my first speaking in front of 500 colleagues, and it was a great experience.

The conference, especially the play really brought to my attention and awareness of what is happening. Of the issues that are involved in our schools today.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Letting Go

... is truly one of the extremely difficult things for me to do. I've recently found that everything revolves around everything. Things are all tied and inter-connected, inter-related.

There is something that I thought I'd let go of, gotten over, and moved on - somehow still bug me. And, it torments me. It's staggeringly painful. It cuts through the heart. Perhaps its this manifestation and realization of truth that is taking me aback.

I've lost a lot of opportunities, made sacrifices that I did not plan nor prepare to make. But truth and fact are, it's happened. What is so difficult about this is acceptance. The ripples of effects travel far - like butterfly wings. They create a hurricane 2000 miles east.

It's not often. But when things become this clear, it's devastating to the heart.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Night at the Museum

I just finished watching Night at the Museum. Yes, I'm watching it 2 years after it came out... It gives me such a nostalgia for Jumanji, which Robin William also starred in.
I didn't know that Robin Williams was in Night at the Museum!!! I might have watched it before. See, I found this much more entertaining than Tropic Thunder (a Ben Stiller movie). Though, speaking of Ben Stiller, I still think the Parent series (Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers) is hilarious.

Anyways, my movie review: i loved the ending.
This movie served it's purpose - it made me laugh, and made me feel 'lighter', in the emotional sense.

Now, it's bedtime!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Leon The Professional - 1994

I watched a movie with Chris, and oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm missing out on so much!!

Highly recommended.

Natalie Portman's in this movie. You know the girl from V for Vendetta? Speaking of that movie, I want to watch V again.

Really, watch Leon. It's worth your time.

Okay, a little bit about the movie:

An assassinator.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Talking to Tom

I just got home from my one point seven-five hour long appointment slash consultation with my orthodontist and said assistants and staff members. Goodness, having braces without insurance is pretty damn expensive.

Anyways, pulling up around the corner of my home, I saw someone walking two meduim-large dogs. One looked like a boxer - I noticed because it was jumping up and down, trying to get something from the walker's hand. I quickly parked my car and walked out to meet the dog-walker. His name is Tom, and the two dogs he was walking was Rocky, a brown with black pattern Boxer, and Bailey, a Siberian Husky mixed with an unknown. They were so cute! I want to play with them! And run with them! Too bad I was wearing sandals. Can't walk fast.

Anyways, I said that those two dogs were something that I'm interested in owning. He quickly asked me if I just wanted a dog because I liked dogs, or if I was particular about the breed. My response was: I'm not interested in Toy dogs, or smaller breeds. I like larger dogs. I found out why he made that comment. It turns out that Rocky (the Boxer) drools A LOT. And Bailey (the Husky mix) sheds a TON. And, I learned something new today: The Husky's hair gathers in clumps like dust on the floor, so you can just vacuum and whisk it up. The Boxer's hair, however, just sticks to things and sticks UP. You really need to work at it with the vacuum to get it. Tom said that if he could choose again (i.e. if he'd had known that the Boxer made such a mess and disaster), he'd choose a Doodle. I didn't know that Poodles, or anything like them don't shed that much. And, they don't smell as much too. I don't know, I'm not too into Poodles - the curls, they kind of freak me out.

And that, so far, is the highlight of my day.

Actually, I shouldn't say that. I had quite an interesting discussion with Julius and Daniel, a young Rev., about some topics. Those were quite interesting. Insightful. He provided a method/way of thinking about Christian views/concepts that I never thought of before.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

bright and sunny

today's bright and sunny. I feel bright and sunny!
I'm excited nad pumped up for my program!! It's going to be ooodles of hard, hard work, and fun!
I suppose, fun in the sense that its' as fun as i make it... which, might actually not be that fun - you see, i'm not creative as i think. But, fun in that I hope it will be rewarding.

And, since there's sun, there's also rain. well, in our atmosphere at least.
But, the rainy days go away, and the sun comes back eventually.

On another tangent of my scatter-brain: I should really persuade my mom to get a dog.
A smart, affectionate medium to large-sized dog. Of course, she'll hate all that fur at first, but I think she'll LOVE the rewards of affection that her pet will give her. And then, I can play with her pet! yay!! Like, a smart border collie! I'l tech it new tricks, and not have to pick up its poop. What a great scheme!!! Now, to go work clonky brain, and think up a hat full of wonderful reasons WHY she should get a pet and take care of it.
I think a really good reason is: It will obey and do what you ask. (of course I don't include: as long as you have some sort of edible material as a reward)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

small burst

i have a tiny burst of anger, and I want ot express it. Hopefully, it won't grow to become a gigantic burst of anger.

Sometimes, I just feel so hopeless and helpless. When a stranger is rude toward you, you can just ignore them, or be rude back to them. Sometimes I've done the latter, but now, I'd lean more to doing the former.
However, when that inconsiderate person is your family member, and you don't want relations to sour, what can you do? Tell them politely how they are being an inconsiderate, rude-ass jerk, and then suck it up. There is no point in letting out your anger upon them, and stoning them with your wrath, because what good will that do? None. And, what good will my telling them that they are being an inconsiderate jerk do? Sadly, nothing as well. It does nothing. If I don't say anything, they have no means of learning that whatever they did is inappropriate. If I say something, it's likely that they won't listen to me. To say, or not to say. That definitely is the question. Of course, me being my impulsive self wants to yell at them at the top of my lungs and really show them how darn right idiotic they've been. And, I try hard, very hard, not to raise my voice. Because, it never accomplishes anything.

So, here I am feeling frustrated (although not so much right now) that whatever I do doesn't help, doesn't change a damn thing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Visiting sis in Guelf

I made a trip to Guelf the other day - sorry, didn't take any cameras (though, I did use the iPhone camera) - with Chris to visit Mars.

It turns out that there are many animals at the place the she lives in! She has 2 ferrets. But, there's a cat, and a dog.

And, I must say that I loved playing with the dog. It's a Border Collie!
And, it was smart. He understood commands, and Chris taught it to give him his paw using the chinese 'hand hand' command. It was great!! My first time playing with a Border Collie.

So smart!!! I want a Border Collie now!

And, my first time going to guelf. small, small town.