Wednesday, September 3, 2008

small burst

i have a tiny burst of anger, and I want ot express it. Hopefully, it won't grow to become a gigantic burst of anger.

Sometimes, I just feel so hopeless and helpless. When a stranger is rude toward you, you can just ignore them, or be rude back to them. Sometimes I've done the latter, but now, I'd lean more to doing the former.
However, when that inconsiderate person is your family member, and you don't want relations to sour, what can you do? Tell them politely how they are being an inconsiderate, rude-ass jerk, and then suck it up. There is no point in letting out your anger upon them, and stoning them with your wrath, because what good will that do? None. And, what good will my telling them that they are being an inconsiderate jerk do? Sadly, nothing as well. It does nothing. If I don't say anything, they have no means of learning that whatever they did is inappropriate. If I say something, it's likely that they won't listen to me. To say, or not to say. That definitely is the question. Of course, me being my impulsive self wants to yell at them at the top of my lungs and really show them how darn right idiotic they've been. And, I try hard, very hard, not to raise my voice. Because, it never accomplishes anything.

So, here I am feeling frustrated (although not so much right now) that whatever I do doesn't help, doesn't change a damn thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find the same advice applies to family members as well as strangers. Be calm, compose yourself, and bring what they did to their attention later, not accusingly, but focusing on what their actions were, how they made you feel, and why. For example, when my mother reacted to Priscilla by asking me "where did you pick up that thing from?", my response was Mum, when you denigrate my choice of girlfriend like that, it makes me feel as though you're insulting my judgement. Given that you raised me to have said judgement, you're also insulting yourself.