Friday, September 26, 2008

Letting Go

... is truly one of the extremely difficult things for me to do. I've recently found that everything revolves around everything. Things are all tied and inter-connected, inter-related.

There is something that I thought I'd let go of, gotten over, and moved on - somehow still bug me. And, it torments me. It's staggeringly painful. It cuts through the heart. Perhaps its this manifestation and realization of truth that is taking me aback.

I've lost a lot of opportunities, made sacrifices that I did not plan nor prepare to make. But truth and fact are, it's happened. What is so difficult about this is acceptance. The ripples of effects travel far - like butterfly wings. They create a hurricane 2000 miles east.

It's not often. But when things become this clear, it's devastating to the heart.

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