Friday, February 27, 2009

Sea shells by the Seashore

I needed some sort of Paint Program to help me edit a diagram I found on the Internets for a class. I wanted to blank out the words .... And, well... Mac's don't have a microsoft Paint equivalent built into/installed on the machine so i did some hunting.

I stumbled across a blog that mentioned a few programs and after looking at the screen shots of a few: Tux Paint (for children), Pixen, Artrage, I decided on: Seashore.

And, it's pretty cool!! ^^

here's the link:

And, I should be nice and thank Mathieu for the advice.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Children's Books

A Voweller's Bestiary

This book is an amazingly wonderful book full of lippograms.

The uniqueness of the book is that the poems are based on the different combinations of vowels.

There are 32 different combinations available by 5 vowels (order doesn't matter). What the author, Jonarno Lawson, has done is that each word in each poem will contain the combination.

For example, in the poem that has the combination: o, a and u
all the words in this poem will have the vowels: o, a and u.

in addition to this, each poem is based on a particular animal, hence, the 'bestiary'.

the title of the poem that contains: o, a and u is

Orangutans, Toucans

glamorous toucans
outsoar coucals

so i'll give you the first 2 lines of the poem.

This is just facinating! And, many thanks to my Mathematics Instructor for this amazing idea. There are so many connections that can be made form this book. Such as, connecting poetry to mathematics. And connecting poetry to ecology and the investigation of animals!

Monday, February 23, 2009

one thing off my list

This is a great way to express thyself.

now i realize why i have time to be here on this blog and rite about these things - I'm living alone!!!

Anyways, I am done my biology assignment. And, to my slight disappointment, it's not as 'great' as it could be... but heck, given the time and the time that i'm willing (or not) to invest into it. it is what it is.

My time will be spent towards trying to get my foot into the Ministry to Education.

Good luck to me!

hard to concentrate....


IT'S REALLY HARD TO CONCENTRATE..... cos, i have ants in my pants. I feel so jittery and jumpy.

I have an assignment due to tomorrow... but i also have more important things that are due... such as writing samples for ministries who 'might' hire me... and that is EXCITING!!!!

job application forms to send of..... acck!

lost and found

i was stressing over my lost tigger... oh where could he be? i looked everywhere for him... in the drawers, on the bed, under the covers, on top of the drawers, inside the show boxes...

he was nowhere to be found!

and then, i decided to lift up my mattress and the piece of ply wood...

and there he was -- hiding!!!!

tigger has been a very bad boy! He's been in the dark for such a long time!! It's good to have him back! I had to give him lots of pats (spanks) to rid him of all the dust that he must collected.

that's another weight of my chest.

have a few assignments i need to work on...
i'm hoping to get them done......

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Teaching in Singapore...

This has ben a topic that's come up between Chris and I, and I do find the prospects of it quite appealing.

See, Singapore is like a hub - the central location of all the SouthEast Asian countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines... and Wikipedia has taught me that there are a few more countries that are there (which I don't know of: Timor, Brunei and Myanmar). And then, it's so close to Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. It'll be a great place to be to travel. Sighhhh. Travel... Now, the question is: will working in Singapore give me enough money to travel?

I suppose I will find out. There's an information session on Monday given by the Ministry of Singapore. I'm interested. I'm not sure if I'll be jetting this year, but we'll see what happens. Really, it's not on my 'to do list' right now, but it's definitely something that I will consider... if someone goes with me! ^^

And, if we can go together, it will be such a great experience.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ON.. What Teachers Make.

missyau posted a video of this a while ago, and being back at a school has brought this poem toLink the forefront of my mind.

It's called 'what teachers make' written by Taylor Mali (a teacher in the states).

A link to his poem is:

He also has a youtube video of him reciting it.. i highly recommend it!

I don't know how to embed a video... and if you know, leave a comment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

it is i...

perhaps it is i, who has caused you most pain.
i who has hurt you the most.

my heart grieves. what has been done cannot be undone.
what has passed by, we can no longer go back to grasp.

my heart is dying.
suffocating, perhaps.

turn to ashes.

what is there that I can do to make things better?
i am not sure that there is anything that i can do.
not sure if anything that i do do will make a difference.

because i cannot undo what i have already done.
we can not relive what we have already lived.

it is too bad. too bad.
yet the word bad does not describe the least magnitude of how i feel.
i wonder how you feel.

it is horrid. to live in this state.
to perpetually think of these things.

nothing we do in the future will subside those of the past.
nothing we attempt in the future will repress, wash over, cover and go over
what has come of the past.

and those were my actions.
those were my thoughts.
those were the actions that i did out of impulse.

and so, i will pay the consequences.
and i have paid. yet it is not enough.
i will continue to pay, dearly.

sorry i made you worry!!!! ^^
I'm alright, really! (yah, yah, i know you don't believe me).
But thanks for your comforts!


yes, the need to survive.

the need to provide myself with the basic necessities of Maslow's Triangle.

I will continue on.

it is a positive sign. i must put in the effort and time to complete that which i think is most difficult.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mega Armour in Action!!

So, I've finished painting and decorating my big, bad, green Mega Armour dudes!!!

I seriously need to get a camera of some sort.

Oh, and i also painted a few of those burna boyz.

spent the Family Day, well, with family! we playeded a few games together...

other than that, i feel really.. 'meh' i've been in the house all day. Perhaps I what i feel is all the pent up energy from not doing anything. and, that's translating into being tired and sleep and a bit grumpy...

one more thing: getting a moon cup has resurfaced my mind again... ^^

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my lack of writing

yes, fei is right.

I have been writing very infrequently. perhaps i should blog more to keep you posted (you as in YOU, reader!!!).

And, thus i shall. Let's try this...

oh darn.. need to write another cover letter. will resume blogging asap....

btw, fei - i like the layout of your blog - and the header picture. ^^


okay, so back to my update... i finished an assignment for my educational psychology class. It was quite fun writing it. Right now, I'm reading a book called: "Three wishes: Palestinian and Israeli children Speak - Deborah Ellis". I"ll have some review questions to answer in response to the book. The book is quite interesting. It's pretty much a compilation of interviews with Palestinian and Israeli children, alternating between the two ethnic groups. They talk abotu their experiences, their life in Israel. It's pretty chaotic. With the war, guards, soldiers, bombings.

I'm also working on my Ork Army!

I've gotten a lot of new additions! I took a few pictures on my one and only existing camera that i can upload to a computer: my iphone cam. I'll get them transferred another time and show them of later.
