Thursday, February 12, 2009

my lack of writing

yes, fei is right.

I have been writing very infrequently. perhaps i should blog more to keep you posted (you as in YOU, reader!!!).

And, thus i shall. Let's try this...

oh darn.. need to write another cover letter. will resume blogging asap....

btw, fei - i like the layout of your blog - and the header picture. ^^


okay, so back to my update... i finished an assignment for my educational psychology class. It was quite fun writing it. Right now, I'm reading a book called: "Three wishes: Palestinian and Israeli children Speak - Deborah Ellis". I"ll have some review questions to answer in response to the book. The book is quite interesting. It's pretty much a compilation of interviews with Palestinian and Israeli children, alternating between the two ethnic groups. They talk abotu their experiences, their life in Israel. It's pretty chaotic. With the war, guards, soldiers, bombings.

I'm also working on my Ork Army!

I've gotten a lot of new additions! I took a few pictures on my one and only existing camera that i can upload to a computer: my iphone cam. I'll get them transferred another time and show them of later.


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