Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red Red Wine

Don't ask...

I went to Kuala Lumpur last weekend, and during the trip, I had an epiphany - to be a bit blunt: beer is making me fat. To be more politically correct (like a typical Canadian) - it seems as if beer is contributing significantly to my dietary intake, to a point where I cannot burn off the calories that I consume.

Anyways, after the trip to Kuala Lumpur, and a brief discussion with Chris, I've decided that I'm going to psychologically chose to consider wine as an option. And recently, I've tried a few red wines, and I'm beginning to like it. I've figured that like most things: beer, durian, and any-other-thing-that-you-dont-like-at-first, wine is an aquired taste, and i'm beginning to acquire it. Of course, I'm a newbie, and have no idea what is wine that "tastes good" or wine that doesn't taste good - one day, I'll get there, now that I'm willing to put the liquid in my mouth and accept it.

Over the last two weeks, I've had the lovely opportunity to try out different wines, and accidentally white wine too (probably some ridiculously cheap but overpriced white souveignon Blanc from Howl at the Moon - was there last night for a comedy). The comedy was great though! So far, I've only tried Cabernet and Shiraz. Shiraz is.... can't quite find the word to pinpoint the taste - for an amateur, I'm going to say that it tastes signficantly more "sour" than the Cabernet Sauvignon. I've tried Jacon's Creek and French Cellar so far. The Australian Elderton that i've just had - is a Shiraz (68%) and Cabernet (32%) mix, is ridiculously "sour" and tastes much better at room temperature than chilled (which was what I had at first, and thus was able to experience the change in taste from chilled (at about 4 degrees Celsius) to room tempurature - it doesn't take that long when you're in a tropical country, and there's no air-conditioning in the living room/dining room area.

and thus, the experimenting continues!

By the way, it's a damn expensive hobby to upkeep over here.

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