Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Year, A Fresh Start

I guess this is the really neat part about my job.

Every year is a fresh page, a new start.

This year will be different. It seems as if it is my "real" year. I get to start right from the start (opposed to in the middle as I did last year).

I meet them on Monday. I'm nervous, and I know it's normal. For my anyways.

After stepping out of the boardroom today, I felt overwhelmed. I know that it was just a feeling, and that it was from the nature of the situation: an information overload. It was, in a way, necessary for everyone to understand everything in a short period of time, because that was the only time left for information transfer. Now that it's a few hours and a movie later, I feel a bit better.

I have a better understanding of where things fit in on the timeline.

It will be busy, sometimes crazy busy, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the connections and bonds that I will make, the new friendships, and rekindling the oldships.

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