Friday, January 15, 2010

The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff

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Got this through an e-mail Chris sent me, there's a pretty good flash video about 'stuff', all the stuff that we have and the stuff that we use. I think it's a really excellent video for students to watch during an environment lesson.

"Slow Death by Rubber Duck" is a Canadian Bestseller and another source where we can learn more about stuff.

At the same time that it's made me aware of how the stuff that we use pollutes us, I'm feeling a bit skeptical (and perhaps 'hopeless' is a better word) about change. I would love for the world to change... but my vision of that was shattered a while ago. I used to think that we could eradicate poverty. But I've lost hope in that. maybe there's too much greed in this world. But even if there isn't, all it takes is just one bad apple...

During training today, the facilitator mentioned that the main aim of community service groups is termination. After mulling over that a bit, I agree with him (maybe not for ALL organizations, but for many). We initiate charity organizations, non-profit organizations because we see a need for them. A few examples are: Let'sSTOPAIDS, Cancer Foundations, homeless shelters... these all aim to help people who are in need and I do think that they want to terminate whatever is causing the problem. To: StopAids, Cure Cancer, and get people off the streets.

We have a universal education right by UNESCO to help eradicate poverty... so many things are put in place in hopes of stopping the harm that humans have caused. But do all these solutions address the root of the problems?

I know that a lot of people are trying to right many wrongs. A lot of people are doing a lot of good out there, and I believe that their efforts are helping and in part in the making of making this world a better place.... but there are big stakeholders that don't budge. There are so many examples of such stakeholders and as cynical as I am, our "good-doing" are midgets compared to the big giants.

Every time I want to make a change and initiate something, I hit this block.

Maybe I need a little more faith. Just a little more faith.......

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