Saturday, January 30, 2010

Being creative...

Here's a spur of creativity, I'd like to think...

Sitting in a warmly lit room, the sun at my back pours in to fill,
Waves of lounge and jazz reverberate to a familiar pulse

Images of people and faces as they walk by, talk by reflect the urgency of a need to ...

Thought glaze over my head like a razor grazes over skin. It's like an image that flashes by, but leaving deep imprints.

So wanting to hold on, yet helplessly watching it be let go...
It's like stretching out your hand to grasp, those dancing stars of your mind. They are so close, so near, yet so ever unreachable.

Sitting still, legs crosses, propped on the immovable sofa
The busy bustle continues around. The world spins endlessly about a still point.

Different shapes, different sizes, move toward and past.
High sounds, low sounds, dance about all around.

Little bells ringing, tiny mouths giggling, I wonder what it's like to be an infant again.

People talking, texting, typing.
In flips, in flops, in flats, in talls.
Things just don't stop.

I wonder but for a moment, what it would be like, to step away. To be outside. To turn back and take a look behind.

What if this world stopped spinning just for a moment, if it froze for me to explore it, what would I find?

The things to do, the choices to pick, decisions to make and sacrifices at stake...

Where will all this lead to? Someplace beyond. Someplace further.

To Randomness and Rowdy-ness, Laughter and lovelyness. Things feel that much better.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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