Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Children's Books

A Voweller's Bestiary

This book is an amazingly wonderful book full of lippograms.

The uniqueness of the book is that the poems are based on the different combinations of vowels.

There are 32 different combinations available by 5 vowels (order doesn't matter). What the author, Jonarno Lawson, has done is that each word in each poem will contain the combination.

For example, in the poem that has the combination: o, a and u
all the words in this poem will have the vowels: o, a and u.

in addition to this, each poem is based on a particular animal, hence, the 'bestiary'.

the title of the poem that contains: o, a and u is

Orangutans, Toucans

glamorous toucans
outsoar coucals

so i'll give you the first 2 lines of the poem.

This is just facinating! And, many thanks to my Mathematics Instructor for this amazing idea. There are so many connections that can be made form this book. Such as, connecting poetry to mathematics. And connecting poetry to ecology and the investigation of animals!


Anonymous said...

You should check out Adventurebox books. They are great for Kids aged 6-9 and have award winning writer Michael Morpurgo as a guest author in the upcoming March issue! Video Interview here.

missylo said...
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