Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back from my 25Km Excursion

I made it to Eglin Mills today!!!
And, being so proud of myself, I decided to bike the big road, Leslie back down home.

I'll post the map of it later :p

The ride makes me hungry, so I popped 2 pizza pops into the microwave. Nothing's as fast as microwave dinners :P

Oh, and hei, your book came in from chapters today!

update: I actually diverged from the previous post a bit, because I didn't turn onto South Park Road. Hence, the Beaver Creek detour.

The maps don't seem to be working, so i'm adding the link to the map of my ride.
my ride took: 1hr, 40mins. It seems that I'm biking (rather consistently) at 15km/h.

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