Sunday, August 17, 2008

Philospohical and Spritual?

I just had a long, but intense (for me anyways) discussion about religion(s) and concepts.

There's a point where we talked about a triangle. Where one corner is the human, the mind of humanness, in my head, I call it the physical aspects of living. Another corner is the mind of things which are not physical. This can be called the 'spiritual'. In my head, i call it the Meta-physical. Or, it can be termed 'being'. It is other than those things which are physical and things that we can touch or feel. I know that it doesn't seem correct to use the words 'beyond, above and surpasses', but it's that that i beyond the physical. The reason why I don't like using those words is that it gives the connotation that the meta-physical is better and superior than the physical, and i don't mean to convey that. I mean to say that it is separate and apart from. In my head, I see a Venn diagram. There is a circle. that circle is labeled 'physical'. Another circle outside of the 'physical' and labeled 'metaphysical'. And back to the triangle, the last point is the integration of both human and metaphysical.

What I mean by this is that.. let's say if a person is only driven to only think about the Humanness, then that is all they see. There doesn't appear/seem to be anything that is metaphysical that matters to this person. Now, if a person only thinks about Metaphysical things, this person may neglect their physical aspects such as family, friends, their academia, their careers etc. Now if this person then integrates their human experiences with their metaphysical experiences, and integrate the two, they can see the sadness of humanness, the suffering, the happiness. But, they can also see perfection in such imperfection.

I probably don't make sense to you at all, and I must admit that I am not nearly excellent at articulating my thoughts.

Another one is the separation of reality and concepts. Everything that we think and feel are concepts. They are all concepts. Jesus Christ is a concept, a representation of what people believe to be God. Ali is also another concept as a representation of God. As well as Nirvana, a concept of God. Dao is another concept of God.

I have been grappling with different consequences (which are part of a said religion). And what has never occurred to me... is to separate these ideas from GOD.

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