Friday, August 8, 2008

Booking reading

I'm reading another book(s) on education. These books are fantastic!!!
One is: The Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine. This book, don't be fooled by it's cover or title, its really good! I love how we are given case studies of people. We get to see things happening, we can apply knowledge to these situations. I've known this for a while - I tend to work better with examples. Teach me an abstract theory, i might not get it right away. Use an example with the theory, ahhh, all comes to light. It s true that there are drawbacks to the particular way that i learn. I may not be able to apply as broadly and widely, because I learned it in an exemplary fashion. I may only learn to apply it in that same fashion. Well, it is good to know the pros and cons.

The other book I'm reading is called: Life in Schools by Peter McLaren. The first part was such a dense read!! The introduction of many sociological concepts at such depth and abstraction that I didn't understand. Then, when I finally got through the first part of the book, it seemed like I passed the quicksand portion. The second part, the one i'm reading now, is written in a diary/journal form. It speaks of his experience as a teacher in the inner-city regions of Suburban Toronto namely - The Jane and Finch Corridor. It is a very interesting read and I'm really enjoying it. I can't wait to get through this 390page textbook!

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