Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Not sure why...

For the last two nights, I haven't been sleeping well, and this comes in conjunction with my dreaming.

I haven't had any dreams since I've been in SG, especially not as vivid, as strange and emotionally charged as the ones i've had the last 48-56hours.


Having been going through a different phase during work recently. It's exam/test-taking time, and life at work is a lot different than the past 11-12 weeks.

Things are going pretty slow - time is given to us to mark, mark and mark.

And, during these times, I feel pockets of "free time" where I'm not too sure what to do with myself. Perhaps it is the nature of the beast, but there's only so much one can mark before they lose focus and can't help but so something else, like I'm doing now.

Last week, at least I was partially productive, picking up my MCAT book during my free time. But, when Sunday rolled around, I just didn't feel like listening to Physics and studying it. Yes, it is my weakest subject, and it is the one that I should be concentrating on... because I don't really like it, and becuase that is one of the main areas that I am ridiculously weak in.

In a more recent conversation with Chris... it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to speak with someone about deep philosophical ponderings. I remember the last time I really went into a deep conversation ... was with Ju, about religion, love. I miss that.

I miss it... a lot.

I'm thirsting for it. I think, being in Singapore... with noone that I really know, don't feel comfortable enough with to really talk about things that are beneath the surface... (don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that i do have a regular group of people that I can get together and hang out with). You know when you feel those pangs of ... yearning for something. some sort of release, to get the hell out of this place... to run out into the sun, and to just do something to release all the pent up energy.. that's exactly how I am feeling right now. How I long for someone here to understand what's going on through my mind.... and to have someone who has similar desires and goals as I do.

I really miss being able to talk to my close ones back in Toronto. I really do.

Monday, September 28, 2009


So, I've been thinking...

Travel is fun! Not exactly a relaxing thing to do - and, it doesn't need to be!

I want to travel to quite a few places near Singapore. A bit ashamed to admit this, but I've only recently looked at the map and have visually defined where Singapore is in relation to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Hong Kong.

Thailand is so close, and it's closer to fly to Vietname than the Hong Kong!?!?!

I've been to one place: Bali, Indonesia.

Next up on the schedule is: an island in Malaysia

There are a few places that are a 45 min ferry ride away from Singapore (Bintan, Batam) but I'd prefer to go to few other places, in no particular order:

Beach: Krabi or Koh Samui. Prefer Krabi, less touristy.
City: Chiang Mai. I think I'd choose to come here more than Krabi... as much as I love the beaches, culture and history, and elephant parks is something that I want to experience.

city: Saigon aka. Ho Chi Minh

don't really have any preference. Though, the beaches would be nice.

Don't know why, but I'm just not pulled to go visit.

city: Jakarta to be squished in with the other 18 million people in the city.

no clue. need to do more research

Any thoughts on where else to go, what to do in South East Asia?

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Heading over to register for a club membership :) that way, I'll be able to go swim!! :)

Ran with a colleague today, did the 2km without stopping!! It was good! Feel refreshed!
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's hard not to be! I'll be getting about 14x30 exams to mark tomorrow, but there are so many things to look forward to!!

I went running yesterday evening, and I did a full 2K without stopping, was gasping for air and had to force my legs to keep moving so they don't collaspe under me, but the running was great! I went again today, haven't had a run this late before, the sun was already almost down - 7:05pm, but I made the 2K again, and this time it wasn't that painful!! So, I want to do it again: tomorrow and thursday. See if I can do it a few days in a row and improve my stamina!!

And. Of course only until Thursday, because friday, I have an F1 event to go to!!! My very first Formula One event!! Will need to remember to charge the camera and have a free 2GB Memory stick! It'll be a lot of fun with my fab ladies!

I've finished writing something for work, which makes me feel great!!! And, without classes this week, I should have much more time to study at home!!! I did some extra studying this weekend. I'm hoping to get in at least an extra two sessions in these two weeks :) I'll let you know how it goes.

So, if I can keep up with this sort of running, I'll need to get a new pair of runners and another tank and pair of running shorts. But, we'll see how it goes!! If anything, that will need to wait til next month. Speaking of exercise and such, I'm thinking of joining a club that's not too far from where I live! It's great that I get a really wicked deal for the membership since it's affiliated with my company. So, if everything works out, I'll have access to a 50m swimming pool. Hopefully go for a swim every other weekend or something like that!

An looking forward to the hang of things. Things will turn out alright.
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Monday, September 21, 2009

St James Power Station

It's been a long time since I've gone to bed so late in the night. Reminded me of the song: 4 in the morning.

The power station was quite awesome. I learned from my cabbie that the power station's quite busy on the weekends, even the non-holiday weekends, and even on sunday evening!

The station had quite a number of rooms, each playing a different kind of music. I gotta admit, the best room was the first room we went into: the salsa room. I wish we'd stayed there longer!! and of course, we also went to DragonFly, since that's where the ladies' night was!

It was great to have a few more people there. One of the gals brought her roommate plus roommate's sister! :)

It was a lot of fun!! Will def go back if I get the chance, and next time, not in stilettos.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

My first Travel Trip here

This coming week is the holidays, and I'll be going off to Indonesia!!!



Can't wait to go for a spa/massage and soak up the sun.

With lots of sunscreen on, of course.

Probably won't be blogging during my stay there - but will write about it when i get back!

Heading Home from Chinatown

My plan went a bit wonky today. I've always planned to have my Sundays to be my working day - a day dedicated for me to do work related work, and my own self-studying work. I usually begin by making breakfast, and starting off with some marking. I like to give myself a block of 3-4 hours to just study, straight. Usually, the only time that fits such a large chunk of time is after lunch. So, about now.

Managed to look over a few things and do a bit if planning for my classes when I see them.

I've come to Chinatown to exchange some monies for my little trip to Indonesia. Really need to work on sticking to my planned budget.

Can't wait, I take off tomorrow evening!

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept 1, Teacher's Day

There's a Celebration day that grants students, teachers and teaching staff a holiday from school: Teacher's Day.

The celebration, usually takes place the day before Teacher's Day, is an event for students to pay tribute to their teachers. It's such a heart-warming event/occasion.

We also had a Teacher's Day Dinner, organized by the school for the staff to get together and have dinner. It was great - a good time to get to know the other teachers and speak with a few of the deputies.


Will write again. Trying to post pictures up on facebook, but the Internet is not being cooperative. Will try again later.

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