Monday, September 28, 2009


So, I've been thinking...

Travel is fun! Not exactly a relaxing thing to do - and, it doesn't need to be!

I want to travel to quite a few places near Singapore. A bit ashamed to admit this, but I've only recently looked at the map and have visually defined where Singapore is in relation to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Hong Kong.

Thailand is so close, and it's closer to fly to Vietname than the Hong Kong!?!?!

I've been to one place: Bali, Indonesia.

Next up on the schedule is: an island in Malaysia

There are a few places that are a 45 min ferry ride away from Singapore (Bintan, Batam) but I'd prefer to go to few other places, in no particular order:

Beach: Krabi or Koh Samui. Prefer Krabi, less touristy.
City: Chiang Mai. I think I'd choose to come here more than Krabi... as much as I love the beaches, culture and history, and elephant parks is something that I want to experience.

city: Saigon aka. Ho Chi Minh

don't really have any preference. Though, the beaches would be nice.

Don't know why, but I'm just not pulled to go visit.

city: Jakarta to be squished in with the other 18 million people in the city.

no clue. need to do more research

Any thoughts on where else to go, what to do in South East Asia?

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