Sunday, September 6, 2009

Heading Home from Chinatown

My plan went a bit wonky today. I've always planned to have my Sundays to be my working day - a day dedicated for me to do work related work, and my own self-studying work. I usually begin by making breakfast, and starting off with some marking. I like to give myself a block of 3-4 hours to just study, straight. Usually, the only time that fits such a large chunk of time is after lunch. So, about now.

Managed to look over a few things and do a bit if planning for my classes when I see them.

I've come to Chinatown to exchange some monies for my little trip to Indonesia. Really need to work on sticking to my planned budget.

Can't wait, I take off tomorrow evening!

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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