Monday, September 21, 2009

St James Power Station

It's been a long time since I've gone to bed so late in the night. Reminded me of the song: 4 in the morning.

The power station was quite awesome. I learned from my cabbie that the power station's quite busy on the weekends, even the non-holiday weekends, and even on sunday evening!

The station had quite a number of rooms, each playing a different kind of music. I gotta admit, the best room was the first room we went into: the salsa room. I wish we'd stayed there longer!! and of course, we also went to DragonFly, since that's where the ladies' night was!

It was great to have a few more people there. One of the gals brought her roommate plus roommate's sister! :)

It was a lot of fun!! Will def go back if I get the chance, and next time, not in stilettos.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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