Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Having been going through a different phase during work recently. It's exam/test-taking time, and life at work is a lot different than the past 11-12 weeks.

Things are going pretty slow - time is given to us to mark, mark and mark.

And, during these times, I feel pockets of "free time" where I'm not too sure what to do with myself. Perhaps it is the nature of the beast, but there's only so much one can mark before they lose focus and can't help but so something else, like I'm doing now.

Last week, at least I was partially productive, picking up my MCAT book during my free time. But, when Sunday rolled around, I just didn't feel like listening to Physics and studying it. Yes, it is my weakest subject, and it is the one that I should be concentrating on... because I don't really like it, and becuase that is one of the main areas that I am ridiculously weak in.

In a more recent conversation with Chris... it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to speak with someone about deep philosophical ponderings. I remember the last time I really went into a deep conversation ... was with Ju, about religion, love. I miss that.

I miss it... a lot.

I'm thirsting for it. I think, being in Singapore... with noone that I really know, don't feel comfortable enough with to really talk about things that are beneath the surface... (don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that i do have a regular group of people that I can get together and hang out with). You know when you feel those pangs of ... yearning for something. some sort of release, to get the hell out of this place... to run out into the sun, and to just do something to release all the pent up energy.. that's exactly how I am feeling right now. How I long for someone here to understand what's going on through my mind.... and to have someone who has similar desires and goals as I do.

I really miss being able to talk to my close ones back in Toronto. I really do.

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