Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's hard not to be! I'll be getting about 14x30 exams to mark tomorrow, but there are so many things to look forward to!!

I went running yesterday evening, and I did a full 2K without stopping, was gasping for air and had to force my legs to keep moving so they don't collaspe under me, but the running was great! I went again today, haven't had a run this late before, the sun was already almost down - 7:05pm, but I made the 2K again, and this time it wasn't that painful!! So, I want to do it again: tomorrow and thursday. See if I can do it a few days in a row and improve my stamina!!

And. Of course only until Thursday, because friday, I have an F1 event to go to!!! My very first Formula One event!! Will need to remember to charge the camera and have a free 2GB Memory stick! It'll be a lot of fun with my fab ladies!

I've finished writing something for work, which makes me feel great!!! And, without classes this week, I should have much more time to study at home!!! I did some extra studying this weekend. I'm hoping to get in at least an extra two sessions in these two weeks :) I'll let you know how it goes.

So, if I can keep up with this sort of running, I'll need to get a new pair of runners and another tank and pair of running shorts. But, we'll see how it goes!! If anything, that will need to wait til next month. Speaking of exercise and such, I'm thinking of joining a club that's not too far from where I live! It's great that I get a really wicked deal for the membership since it's affiliated with my company. So, if everything works out, I'll have access to a 50m swimming pool. Hopefully go for a swim every other weekend or something like that!

An looking forward to the hang of things. Things will turn out alright.
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