Monday, June 30, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

Thanks to my frind Kay, I've been watching So You Think You Dance...
 I want to share with you SO many videos that i think are amazing!

and, i think youtube is taking videos off becuase they belong to 'fox tv' or something like that..
but, no fear! is an amazin resource! just type in 'so you think you can dance' in the serach bar.. and viola! there you have the entire season 4 (which is being aired currently) all there for you to watch.

seriously, check them out.

Congrats Hei

On passing your exam!

I knew you could do it!!!!


Just got back from watching The Wanted with Chris, my brother and Ken.

It was a very spontaneous activity. We met up separately at First Markham Place and got ourselves some tickets from the Express Ticket Booths - where your ticket tellers are computers ;p

Anyhow, for tonight's show, i think we got lucky. After purchasing our tickets, we head in only to find one huge line up and the beginning of a second one. But, no later than 5 mins that we arrive to the theatre doors, people are already ushered to take a seat. This is 45mins before the previews begin. I walk in, and wasn't expecting to be able to find nice seats since about 30 people were let in before me. And, Vola, I walk in to find the entire back row empty - PLOP. I'm in and so the other 3 bodies.

Now for the SPOILER ALERT:

First off, the plot doesn't really make sense - but, despite that, i liked the little twist they gave. For which, I'm really glad is there other wise, i'd really be just watching a movie for the sake of seeing Angelina Jolie.

There's a lot of action, and I'd say I really like the facial expression of the main character "Wesley" - terribly sorry that I don't know the actor's name and I'm too lazy to look it up now.

Be prepared for a lot of bullet action and a lot of blood. Also, a lot of usage of the big fat F-word. It's interesting to see and hear Jolie swear. I've never seen that before. And, also most of the other actors. Oh yes, and did I mention that there was NO NUDE other than some ass? Well, I don't know whether this news will be a sigh or a groan, but I was quite relieved. I guess that's because it was my first time 'supervising' in an 18A movie.

My rating: 7.5-8/10

To read more about my views and movie rating(s) and recomendations for this movie, please visit:
my ratings are listed in the first comment of the blog post.

Friday, June 27, 2008

off to camp

I'm going to Hamilton to camp for the weekend!
it's with family.
See you when i get back!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Canada's Wonderland

What an eventful day (and night, and last night as well!!)

Hopefully, some pictures will eventually be posted up on my blog - finally some pictures of MYSELF you say!!

Last night, I stayed at Hei's place. And, i LURRRVE it! I love her cats - they're beautiful, and so adorable. I just wish they'd jump right next to me and sleep beside me while i'm sleeping so that I can have something fuzzzzy to hold :P But of course, pets do that to 'mommy' or 'daddy' usually, and i'm not their 'mommy', Hei is. ^^

Didn't sleep too well, but unfortuantely, I wasn't the only one. See, like you say, i think we would have both slept better if we had slept together. Well, we'll learn for next time!!

The morning came just way too quickly, and i managed to drag my ass out of bed (or the REALLY comfy sofa, and i mean really comfy) and took a mini-journey to Oakville, where admist our wait, we have Timmy's for breakfast. Mmmmhmmmm, a big, fat greasy Breakfast Sandwich (the bagel one): egg, cheese and sausage. Dellllicious! Sure did energize me for a while.

Another drive, and we arrived at Canada's Wonderland *insert pretty picture here*. Actually, by the time we are IN the park, it's already past 11am. By 'we' i'm referring to a party of 5: hei, joy, ken, ter, me.
We managed to squeeze in 2-3 rides before grabbing lunch at 1, and lo and behold, it begins to thunder and of course, lightening strikes across the sky. We didn't see this though, since we were eating lunch inside a cafe. We found out when we got to a ride, and they were "Temporarily Closed until the weather permits". Strange, since there was no rain or any sign of wet weather.

Then, it bagan to rain. Heavily. we ranback to the car from Minebuster. And did that hurt my feet - i was wearing flip-flops and eventually ran with them in my hands.

Hanging out in the car was nice - blasting loud music and singing at an equal volume. The rain passed and we went back in and went on another marathon of rides.

The best ride by far was the new ride: Behemoth. And wow, was i scared. My legs started shaking the 2nd big drop down, and kept shaking, but i was forced to disregard it and keep my feet pressed firmly against the narrow foot support to ensure that i didn't lose both peices of flip-flop footwear. With the wind whipping at my face and watery eyes from the force from rushing down, I couldn't help but curse when we dropped. I wonder if Hei heard. Probably not :P the screams were deafening.

Rides I also went on: Mini-Cooper Stunt Ride, the Rage, Thunder Run, The Fly, Vortex, Wild Beast (twice).

And, exhausted and spent, we left for dinner at around 7.35pm and had some good ol' chinese food near where i live. And, about an hour ago was dropped back home.

Sigh. And, a good kind of sigh. not the bad kind.
what a day. it was good. and, i had a lot of fun.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kung Fu Panda + Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

[edit: i found out something new about blogger today, and that is that you can customize the dates and times that your posts go up!! I didn't know that!!!! the time that I wrote the below post is July 8, 12;42AM. And I have movied it to it's current time and date]

Kung Fu Panda

As I check my iPhone Notes to retrieve the list of books I've read, I also see that I've tapped a list of movies that I watched before June 20, 2008. THis should be around the time that I watched The Omen. I watched this at the theatre with Chris, Yogesh, and my brother.

The movie was ENTERTAINING!!!! Yay Jack Black!! We love you! This movie was GOOD! I would put them in the "As good as The Incredibles or even better" category. It was funny, but not only funny, but I like the action, the emotions, the laughter, the fear, the sadness. ALL of it! A wonderful family movie, a wonderful couples movie, a wonderful anything movie! I would watch it again!!

You should watch it too!! Actually, I think it's like Madagascar, but better!

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
No WONDER this movie won so many awards!!! The action/sword-fighting scenes are truly fantastic!!!! I loved this movie so much! It has such a sad, sad ending. I wish it didn't have to end that way. Why, oh why can directors not be nice to the audience (me) and make them live happily ever after? Wow, i am such a sap-ball! Yes, I know why they didn't do that, if they did, the movie would be so cheesy and sappy, yada, yada. But, anyways, I'm glad the characters finally managed to admit their professed love for each other. Finally. ;)
This is definitly a classic that you must see!

Review: The Omen

I decided to borrow a few DVD's from my community Library - yes, they are on the 'book shelves'.

Thinking that the trailer was quite interesting, I picked up The Omen and watched it - with the lights on. The movie game me adrenaline rushes with the sychronization of creepy/intense music and visual stimuli of 1-2 second frame shots of skulls, Death, etc. So, i did get rushes of adrenaline, and my heart beat faster. But, that's only because I scare easily, and we had snapshots of some Jackyll appear for a second or so.

Overall, this movie was terrible. I don't normally think about plots or if things make sense, but I did with this movie, which signifies either: the movie is going at such a slow place that I have the time to not-deliberately process what is going on OR this movie is so horribly done that I can not leave it uncritiqued.

Not to waste precious time with words on the plot (because it's not worth your time reading), I would highly reccomend that you DO NOT WATCH the Omen. It will be a completely utter waste of your time.

My rating: less than 4/10

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update on LSW game and Macbook

I did end up finding the Video settings and I changed the resolution and fiddled with the color etc. etc...

WOW... The graphics are kinda nice!!!!

It's really nice to look at! ME is a happier person.

But, annoying news. My macbook "delete" button has decided to become SQUEAKY at this point in its life, and its extremetly irritating.
After reading up about it on GOOGLE, I've decided to try to put a lid on the anxiety (which, as usual, is a very difficult thing to do) and wait a few days before taking an action. E.g. calling AppleCare or Calling/Talking to a Representative at an Apple Store in Toronto - which is very not near me.

Any suggestions?

Supposedly asleep

but i am wide awake.

Did i mention that i should be sleeping? Well, I should because I have a training course that's a zilion hours long and I need to be energetic for that course.

People are such interesting creaties. Not only do we expect and reailze, we also choose to do things that are not the
most beneficial, or beneficial at all.

And, perhaps I will go to bed.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Are such a curious thing.

and i mean, very curious, curious thing. 
Both that we are curious, but we are curious. 

people contracdict themselves, people disappoint themselves, and people upset themselves.
And, what for?

Perhaps the question is more of a 'why' rather than 'what for'. Perhaps it's because people expect things of themselves. And, people also realize. And perhaps there happens to be a discrepancy between the two and hence all those things that people do to themselves. So, why do people expect in the first place then? 

my train of thought has decided to end right about here.

what am I going to do with myself from how until September? It's a little ridiculous to just sit here and not do something very productive. On the other hand, I do want to just sit here and do nothing, and pass the time. I do know that if I do, it will likely be the last chance that I have to do so. But, it is greatly displeasing to have someone hag at you to go get a job, and not laze at home all day, waking up at grotesquely afternoon hours and sleeping at the ghastly dawn hours of the morning. 


i want to go someplace warm and sunny. Preferably where there is soft, soft sand. It's alright if there's no sand at all, but if there is - it needs to be soft. If it's not soft, then I'd rather have no sand. ANd, i'm lying there soaking up the sun. On a blanket atop the soft sands, or on a beach bench atop nothing. Suspended in mid-air. 

Ah, Lovely. 

Initial feedback re: Lego Star Wars II for Mac

WOW ... I am SO disappointed in the graphics and the resolution and the way things look, and I've barely begun to play!!!

I thought that the quality I should be getting on my mac would be better than on an old tv, but, I guess I've been proven wrong.

And I was thinking, because it IS Lego, you'd expect it to at least have defined straight lines, but Nooooo, totally not defined stright li es!! Very choppy!!

Sight oh well. I do hope that it's just me and that I have set the graphics settings right. And, I do hope I can blog about how relieved I am at this initial reaction to the game.

I will keep my fingers crossed.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Making a new shelf

I think I should make a shelf for all my Star Wars products ^^
It can be my new Star Wars collection thing.

Wow.. look at me talk. I can't beleive I'm so all over Star Wars right now. Even my blogging has been so much more frequent. And, I've even started to use taglines (something I've not done before)!!

Yes, I'll get to those Hong Kong photos soon, I promise!

Guess what I got at YORKDALE?!?!




Thanks Janice!!!
(for the Lego Star Wars II game, and half of my mighty mouse :P)

and of course, pictures, pictures.

This is my game:

And here's my mouse:

Happy Father's Day

To all those who use our competitors' products:
Happy Father's Day.
Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Cape Town, South Africa
Art Director: Myles Lord
Copywriter: Jason Kempen
Creative Director: Roger Paulse
Executive Creative Director: Mathew Bull
Published: 2001

Reaction to Star Wars III: the Revenge of the Sith


So, you have been warned, and you still insist on reading!
Don't say that I didn't warn you!!! It'll spoil your movie watching!!!

Seriously, you really want to read this?!?


Yes, you guessed it - it's 3 in the morning and I just finsiehd watching the Movie.
Crazy - a few things are: 1) the fact that i'm still up so late when I know I need to be up early tomorrow morning 2) the movie itself.

It was hideous to see all the Jedi killed by their own men. I mean, it would totally suck to be me if I were the lady Jedi (the blue one who totally got murdered in the woods).

Ohhhhhh, THAT'S why Darth Vader needs his breathing mask, and why's he's so dang UGLY!!

And, the confusiong betwen 'Good' and 'Evil'. I think Lucas did a really good job in triggering thoughts, but in a subtle (but not really) way. Good way of covering one's ass i would say! Mention nothing about religion, but have the entire movie about it (or not)!

seems like it's all about...

STAR WARS today!!!

This morning, i woke up to a Star Wars V: the Empire Strickes Back gift on my desk. And, according to my mom, the 'cutest' person in the family gave it to me!! And, that'll be my brother!! He gave me a "Boba Fett & Han Solo" watch. Then early afternoon, I watched Star Wars III: the Revenge of the Sith (well, the first 50mins of it). And then later that afternoon, I received another Star Wars gift - a Transformer --> Anakin Skywalker Fighter Plane. It's a fighter plane that transfroms into a robot like figure (that doesn't appear in Star Wars). And, it also comes with a little Anakin Skywalker figure. And really, it's tiny! Thanks Chris!!!! I really did feel like a kid!!!

And, of course, I cannot fail to mention that during the afternoon, we (Janice, Joyce, Chris, Yogesh, my brother and I) played Rock Band, and Apples to Apples! It was a LOT of fun!!! 
Thanks for coming over, even though you must have been DEAD tired. And, you must have been thinking -- i want to watch TIger Woods!

And, i also watched Kung Fu Panda tonight with Chris, my brother and Yogesh. And, it was GOOD!! It was really very entertaining! Jack Black is hilarious! 
I've watched three movies over the past few months: Iron Man, Indiana Jones 4 and Kung Fu Panda. I'd rank them Kung Fu Panda, Iron Man, Indy. And, that of course, if totally from my point of view. And, because I'm feeling happy/giddy/laughy from watching Kung Fu Panda.
But, Iron Man was good too - a different kind of good. It's more serious, and not 'comical', but still "wow" good. I'd reccommend both Kung Fu Panda and Iron Man.

Movies that i'm looking forward to watch in the theatres this summer:
  • The Dark Knight
  • Star Wars: the Clone Wars
And there are some others that i'd like to watch, maybe not on the Internet :p

Saturday, June 14, 2008

another star wars post

So, I just finished watching Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones with Chris, and by just, i mean a few hours ago :p

The movie, was GOOD!ANd boy, is George Lucas good/famous/a mil-billlionaire or what?!?!?

Can't wait to watch Star Wars III: The Return of the Sith!

And what?!?!? There's a Star Wars animationcoming out in August?!? YUP, there is!!
it's called - Star Wars: the Clone Wars totally just click on the link!!

But, i gotta admit, after watching the trailer, I still like the 'people' version better.

And, while i'm still on the Star Wars topic, i want to get a game for my Mac, and guess what's on my mind? YOU GOT IT!!! STAR WARS!!! But, probably the Lego version. It's 'cuter', what can i say? :P

and, Aw MAN... i wish i had the Wii!!
Then, i could play this:

if you can't see the above image, please see:

and.. you gotta blame someone for converting me into such a Star Wars fan. I mean, who would've known tha ti like then so darn much?!?!?

you Polar BEAR!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

sometimes, playing rockband

is really soothing, in a nice jelly belly kind of way.

Yes, it makes me hands and feel all clamy, and sweaty, and the drum sticks, mic and guitar ahnd really gross for the next person to handle, but yet, it's all for great fun, right?!?!?! ^^

well, actually, THIS is what i'm waiting for:

- if the image doesn't work, you can see a pictur eof it here or here

just look at it -- lovely, isn't it? I wonder if i should get this when it comes out, or if i should wait another year until RoCKBAND produces another drum kit with the hi-hat foot pedal and another 2 drum pads :P oh, what FUN!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I think i have a really sickening way of procrastinating.
well, not that it's really sickening. It's just the realization of it makes me feel a little sick.

like, the pictures that i took weeks and weeks ago. They're still all stored in my little SD memory card. untouched. it's not so hard to grab my 6-in-1 reader from th eplace that it's neatly stored, stick my SD card into the right slot, and plug it into the USB socket on the front of the hardware, wait for it to load up on my desktop, and then transfer all the files onto my 40GB C drive disk space. After that, upload all the pictures onto Facebook (or not), send them to friends that I have promised, of which by now, i've nearly forgotten, and then tag all of them ^^

After that, safetly eject from my PC, take out the SD card and put it back into the little clear box it came with, unplug my 6-in-1 reader and put that back into the shoebox (yes, i know sounds a bit ghetto) that I store it in.

Actually, by the time that I'm done typing this, I'd have probably already transferred ALL of the 2GB photos and videos that I took in Hong Kong, and would have probably begun to upload them to Gmail.

But, see, this is the art of procrastination.
Sickening, isn't it?

Monday, June 9, 2008

my new to do list

I've decided to split my list into 2. the first one i can achieve with a smaller amount of money. The second one requires a somewhat hefty sum of it.
  • attend an orchestra
  • get M1 & M2 lic.
  • go on a kayaking trip
  • NYC & Penn State trip; be nice if i could drive w/ stick
    • get my own snowboard (and maybe boots)
  • jeep trailing, USA
  • white water rafting
  • road trip on/in a trailer (RV)
  • go someplace beachy: cancun, mexico, cuba - darn it, i can't believe i missed out on my grad trip for some 'prospect' of a job. yes, i feel so stupid. it's been a year, but i still feel tha pangs of stupidity.
  • 7 day cruise (Alaska, Carribbean - and i'm open to 'new' ideas)
  • go on a backpack trip to Eur when i'm young, OR take a lux when i'm old and wrinkly :P
  • own a lotus elise
    • maybe if i like, take a lotus training course in CA, USA

my old to do list

SO, i went through my old blog, and got my oldto do list.

[edit] and.. i really don't like my old to do list, so...

i decided to completely take it off.
new one will be posted shortly!

thinking about what to say...

and finding that i really don't have anything to say at all.

I've been thinking... and looking at some of the blogs that i read.
I scroll and click through the pages and pages of entries they've written.

and look at the measly few that i have.

i think i'm a bit astounded at how little i write.
not that it's a problem that I write so little. it's just that it reminds me of how little i do express myself. Maybe it's that I'm too lazy, or that I can't keep the routine or jotting down my thoughts and what not. And, this also reminds me of how I don't, or have trouble, rather, at doing something (of my own) everyday. It's like how I can own a Diary/Journal for 5 years and still have half the book unwritten. of course, not that it's a problem...

anyways, that's my thought for the day.
perhaps i'll try to jot down a little more

Sunday, June 1, 2008

star wars fans

hi there!!

My trip to Hong Kong has given me the chance to explore Star Wars collections.
More specifically: LEGO STAR WARS

Now, there's something that even my eyes are drooling over:

This image - Imperial Star Destroyer.
And, I don't know how to put an image in html, but if you can enlighten me, please do!

edit: thank you prolific programmer
here's the image!

p.s. there are 6 lego-men included in this box, more importantly - DARTH VADER is one of them. Well, of course it's nice to have the five hang out on the ship too.

And, yes.. i'm wondering to myself.. when have I become such an avid Star WWars fan?!?