Monday, June 9, 2008

thinking about what to say...

and finding that i really don't have anything to say at all.

I've been thinking... and looking at some of the blogs that i read.
I scroll and click through the pages and pages of entries they've written.

and look at the measly few that i have.

i think i'm a bit astounded at how little i write.
not that it's a problem that I write so little. it's just that it reminds me of how little i do express myself. Maybe it's that I'm too lazy, or that I can't keep the routine or jotting down my thoughts and what not. And, this also reminds me of how I don't, or have trouble, rather, at doing something (of my own) everyday. It's like how I can own a Diary/Journal for 5 years and still have half the book unwritten. of course, not that it's a problem...

anyways, that's my thought for the day.
perhaps i'll try to jot down a little more


Anonymous said...

Aww... See, the thing I like about my blogging is that it's not a paid gig, therefore I don't blog when I don't have anything of note to add and vice versa. I don't know why you feel the need to blog on a regular schedule.

missylo said...

i guess i don't really have a problem. Just that it leads to another thing .. which reminds me of myself.