Sunday, June 1, 2008

star wars fans

hi there!!

My trip to Hong Kong has given me the chance to explore Star Wars collections.
More specifically: LEGO STAR WARS

Now, there's something that even my eyes are drooling over:

This image - Imperial Star Destroyer.
And, I don't know how to put an image in html, but if you can enlighten me, please do!

edit: thank you prolific programmer
here's the image!

p.s. there are 6 lego-men included in this box, more importantly - DARTH VADER is one of them. Well, of course it's nice to have the five hang out on the ship too.

And, yes.. i'm wondering to myself.. when have I become such an avid Star WWars fan?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

< img src="[url-here]" /> will put your image into your blog. Welcome back from HK!