Friday, June 20, 2008

Kung Fu Panda + Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

[edit: i found out something new about blogger today, and that is that you can customize the dates and times that your posts go up!! I didn't know that!!!! the time that I wrote the below post is July 8, 12;42AM. And I have movied it to it's current time and date]

Kung Fu Panda

As I check my iPhone Notes to retrieve the list of books I've read, I also see that I've tapped a list of movies that I watched before June 20, 2008. THis should be around the time that I watched The Omen. I watched this at the theatre with Chris, Yogesh, and my brother.

The movie was ENTERTAINING!!!! Yay Jack Black!! We love you! This movie was GOOD! I would put them in the "As good as The Incredibles or even better" category. It was funny, but not only funny, but I like the action, the emotions, the laughter, the fear, the sadness. ALL of it! A wonderful family movie, a wonderful couples movie, a wonderful anything movie! I would watch it again!!

You should watch it too!! Actually, I think it's like Madagascar, but better!

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
No WONDER this movie won so many awards!!! The action/sword-fighting scenes are truly fantastic!!!! I loved this movie so much! It has such a sad, sad ending. I wish it didn't have to end that way. Why, oh why can directors not be nice to the audience (me) and make them live happily ever after? Wow, i am such a sap-ball! Yes, I know why they didn't do that, if they did, the movie would be so cheesy and sappy, yada, yada. But, anyways, I'm glad the characters finally managed to admit their professed love for each other. Finally. ;)
This is definitly a classic that you must see!

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