Monday, June 30, 2008


Just got back from watching The Wanted with Chris, my brother and Ken.

It was a very spontaneous activity. We met up separately at First Markham Place and got ourselves some tickets from the Express Ticket Booths - where your ticket tellers are computers ;p

Anyhow, for tonight's show, i think we got lucky. After purchasing our tickets, we head in only to find one huge line up and the beginning of a second one. But, no later than 5 mins that we arrive to the theatre doors, people are already ushered to take a seat. This is 45mins before the previews begin. I walk in, and wasn't expecting to be able to find nice seats since about 30 people were let in before me. And, Vola, I walk in to find the entire back row empty - PLOP. I'm in and so the other 3 bodies.

Now for the SPOILER ALERT:

First off, the plot doesn't really make sense - but, despite that, i liked the little twist they gave. For which, I'm really glad is there other wise, i'd really be just watching a movie for the sake of seeing Angelina Jolie.

There's a lot of action, and I'd say I really like the facial expression of the main character "Wesley" - terribly sorry that I don't know the actor's name and I'm too lazy to look it up now.

Be prepared for a lot of bullet action and a lot of blood. Also, a lot of usage of the big fat F-word. It's interesting to see and hear Jolie swear. I've never seen that before. And, also most of the other actors. Oh yes, and did I mention that there was NO NUDE other than some ass? Well, I don't know whether this news will be a sigh or a groan, but I was quite relieved. I guess that's because it was my first time 'supervising' in an 18A movie.

My rating: 7.5-8/10

To read more about my views and movie rating(s) and recomendations for this movie, please visit:
my ratings are listed in the first comment of the blog post.

1 comment:

[飛] said...

Ello. Watching Wanted was good. Read MY review!