Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I think i have a really sickening way of procrastinating.
well, not that it's really sickening. It's just the realization of it makes me feel a little sick.

like, the pictures that i took weeks and weeks ago. They're still all stored in my little SD memory card. untouched. it's not so hard to grab my 6-in-1 reader from th eplace that it's neatly stored, stick my SD card into the right slot, and plug it into the USB socket on the front of the hardware, wait for it to load up on my desktop, and then transfer all the files onto my 40GB C drive disk space. After that, upload all the pictures onto Facebook (or not), send them to friends that I have promised, of which by now, i've nearly forgotten, and then tag all of them ^^

After that, safetly eject from my PC, take out the SD card and put it back into the little clear box it came with, unplug my 6-in-1 reader and put that back into the shoebox (yes, i know sounds a bit ghetto) that I store it in.

Actually, by the time that I'm done typing this, I'd have probably already transferred ALL of the 2GB photos and videos that I took in Hong Kong, and would have probably begun to upload them to Gmail.

But, see, this is the art of procrastination.
Sickening, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

finally! you acknowledged that! haha... jkjk. we all know that sometimes the easiest thing takes the longest time to do/get to lol..

life's tough. i need some rock band to lower my cortisol level.

missylo said...

haha. cortisol levels to be lowered: that's NO PROBLEM!!!!!!

anytime baby, anytime!!