Friday, June 20, 2008

Review: The Omen

I decided to borrow a few DVD's from my community Library - yes, they are on the 'book shelves'.

Thinking that the trailer was quite interesting, I picked up The Omen and watched it - with the lights on. The movie game me adrenaline rushes with the sychronization of creepy/intense music and visual stimuli of 1-2 second frame shots of skulls, Death, etc. So, i did get rushes of adrenaline, and my heart beat faster. But, that's only because I scare easily, and we had snapshots of some Jackyll appear for a second or so.

Overall, this movie was terrible. I don't normally think about plots or if things make sense, but I did with this movie, which signifies either: the movie is going at such a slow place that I have the time to not-deliberately process what is going on OR this movie is so horribly done that I can not leave it uncritiqued.

Not to waste precious time with words on the plot (because it's not worth your time reading), I would highly reccomend that you DO NOT WATCH the Omen. It will be a completely utter waste of your time.

My rating: less than 4/10

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